Critical feminist theory

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Media

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 Critical Criminology, 21(3), 287-304. springer. com/article/10. s10612-013-9187-2 This study presents feminism in its transformative case whereby gender is openly theorized, given worldwide perspective and social justice embraced. This research is a reawakening call which demands people to think outside the box into a wider global perspective about perceiving feminist in more advanced stand points rather than sticking to traditional thinking and notions about science. Additionally, this study shows a different stand point from many researchers where it quotes that from point of view of mainstream criminologists there has been insufficient exposure for key participants in this sector to feminists. This study outlines that criminology is hugely associated to men while feminism is a subject for women solely. This is how societies are encultured into this primitive way of thinking which only drawn towards making the society lag behind in the way it handles feminism against criminology across genders.

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The essence of feminism in criminology is yet to be comprehended while at the same time criminologists appreciate little of little of the practice of feminism in seeking criminal justice. This article uses concrete evidence to offer insights on feminists` closely related fields such as; policy, theory, area of epistemology, and methodology. Scholars who had gained passion for studying feminism started questioning the subject of men being centered in discussions and aspects touching on criminal justice and feminist`s perspectives. This study outlines how new or the reformed feminists who were known as liberal feminists came out strongly to give the distinct roles for both men and women in matters of crime and justice. This was a new dimension of which prompted equality and end to gender parity as well as a wake-up call to consider the issue of feminism more critically.

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This study also outlines that at this period, women were encouraged to become more conspicuous instead of taking passive roles which made them not to be recognized in the society. In a nutshell, this article is a representation of how society at some point required to change from old conventional ways of perceiving the place of women in regard to crime and justice. These factors have different standpoints as far as solutions and gender inequalities are concerned. This study is relevant to my research because it mentions special how feminist can be associated with criminological stand points by outline how people`s perceptions play critical role in relating crime and gender. This research however relies on other extant studies for expert knowledge and for the purpose of obtaining concrete evidence and grounds for making solid decisions to help the society into making well informed decisions at the same time appreciating gender equality.

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Pateman, C. Grosz, E. Women have surfaced sidelines in many aspects, not because they are in efficient but because the society perceives them as such. This research is important to me because it is a rich source of information relevant to giving insights on the challenges that women and society go through due to feminists’ culture. This study also relates to other existing research to obtain expert knowledge for comparison purposes. Sharp, S. F. This study examines three articles in details in order to come up with concrete resolution about the manner in which gender is perceived from mainstream perspective of criminology. This article is relevant to me because it is informative and insightful about feminism. It also relates to other studies to obtain expert opinion and knowledge.

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