Current Events News Summaries

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

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www. forbes. com/sites/keenanbeasley/2018/01/15/how-facebooks-latest-changes-impact-influencers-businesses-the-future-of-social-media-marketing/#bacea711798d. The article highlights that the Facebook boss Mark Zuckerburg plans to change the algorithm of Facebook to enhance and promote more personal content rather than news. The move is expected to have a crucial impact and change in the future of Facebook advertisement and product marketing with influencers expected to benefit while business finding new ways of making their adverts through this social media. In my opinion, the step taken by Mark Zuckerburg to change algorithms for adverts is paramount. Quite often, people have been misled and extorted with products and services are virtually available in the platform and non-existing in reality. The move will facilitate clean business on the Facebook platform for the benefits of the consumers and sellers. Article Title: Influencer Marketing Can Expect another Wild Year Ahead Author’s Name: Holly Pavlika Date Published: January 22, 2018 Full Citation: Pavlika, Holly.

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“Influencer Marketing Can Expect Another Wild Year Ahead. Focusing on class discussion content, it is worth acknowledging that technology is advancing and the traditional modes of advertisement are changing too. This means that those clinging to the formally used methods of advertisement and, marketing might find themselves failing in the market. Influencers, for instance, depends on the big quorum they have on social media and another platform to relay their information. With the advancing technology, adoption of artificial intelligence and Augmented Reality might change the face of advertisement fully. The companies are also making direct deals with social media to market their products thus giving low chances to influencers, technology is changing thus marketing strategies should change too. million heads. The level has been maintained at over 11 million heads since the start of 2018 shows that there is a significant development in this sector.

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The rising number of cattle heads is linked to the proper care where animals are kept in feedlots to limit forage during drought, however, marketing has been also stated as a concern that needs to be improved to gain more customers to use the beef products. It is worth noting that marketing is a key step in any industry in making the products known to the client however how ordinary the product is. In class content, the fundamental of marketing and its importance in adding the organizations’ sale is applicable. com/sites/tannermark/2018/02/06/china-marketing-trends-2018/#5b8e72441a77. The article highlights six main strategies that may aid successful marketing in China. They include convenience in marketing where it is noted that with the rising technology, there is need or relevancy and convenience in assuring that the marketing strategy incorporates the current technology used in the market.

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The second is extending the adverts to retails and not final customers as has been the case on most occasions. Smart selection of lower-tier cities is another strategy where there are expectations of targeting small towns that are constantly ignored by most marketers when flying their adverts. www. hospitalitynet. org/opinion/4086863. html. The article highlights the significance of technology like Google and OTAs in the marketing forum, however, acknowledges that technology alone does not contribute to higher client turnout after the advert. Levere Date Published: March 4, 2018 Full Citation: Levere, Jane L. “Have a Drink on Us. And Tell Your Friends. ” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 Mar. www. In marketing theory context, the article proves the need for planned behavior in marketing. This predicts the accuracy with which the clients can be easily reached with surety that they will buy the products and services after marketing and offer free samples.

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Currently, customers need organizations to have a direct social impact to them and therefore choosing marketing strategies that promote this by making direct contact increase the chances of maximizing their sales. The article is important for the upcoming company that needs to make an impact and a dramatic entry into the market. By offering free products and making direct contact while marketing the products, the new organization or falling company can rescue its sale and make it back to the market strongly. The second group of experts noted the EV charging development where with one accord there are possibilities of adopting wireless charging system, upgrading the technology to achieve the minimum charging time ever and lastly, building more charging centers to enable easy access and long range driving. The third pool of experts majored on EV sale that has grown exponentially in this decade with 200,000 EV sold in 2017 from 100 EV that was sold in 2010 in the US.

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The last pool of experts majored on the ride-sharing EV trends and the results were clear that all fleets are shifting to EV, and it seems that there will be no longer concerns and issues raised on the viability of the EV. The marketing outcome of the EV is promising, as shown by the four pools of expert, adoption, and use of EV might soon flood the market as the technology advances and the product becomes pocket-friendly. The marketing theory suiting this article is the position theory that believes that maximizing sales relies on the company’s ability to position their products and services in a way that makes consumers believe the product has a significant benefit. The first is a convergence of content and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is believed that converging SEO with content offers a good opportunity for brands to advertise the clients successful while evading the fear associated with this technology.

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The second aspect is focusing on the customer journey that basically involves knowing what clients want and looking for an avenue of providing them in real time to bridge the chain between production and utilization. Personalization of the adverts is the third aspect marketers should be much aware of. This does not only satisfy the customers but also instill in them a sense of recognition and happiness. forbes. com/sites/keenanbeasley/2018/01/15/how-facebooks-latest-changes-impact- influencers-businesses-the-future-of-social-media-marketing/#bacea711798d. Betts, Andy. “AI, Content & Search: 5 Macro Market Trends for Micro Marketing. ” Search Engine Journal, 12 Mar. Levere, Jane L. “Have a Drink on Us. And Tell Your Friends. ” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 Mar. www. Market Intel , 29 Jan. www. fb. org/market-intel/cattle-on-feed-back-to-2012-levels. Pavlika, Holly. com/sites/tannermark/2018/02/06/china- marketing-trends-2018/#5b8e72441a77.

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