Customer Post Purchase Evaluation Research Proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

Online promoted products often get the consumers attention faster because of the mode through which they are advertised. In this current century, technology has made work easier and marketers can ensure their products are marketed online. However, it is the last stage of the process of purchasing a product that determines whether a customer is satisfied or dissatisfied. This process is called the post-purchase evaluation. It is at this stage that a customer gets to analyze all the dynamics that led them into buying that particular product, and thereafter deciding whether they made the right decision or not. 5 Website Reputation 12 3. Research Methodology 13 4. Research Planning 15 Works Cited 17 Appendices 19 Appendix 1 19 1. Introduction Post-purchase evaluation refers by which a consumer of a product analyzes the dynamics surrounding his decision to buy a commodity, and determining whether the choices they made to purchase the good, were right or wrong.

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Online promoted products often have difficult to work with because these are commodities that people view on the internet and not physically. This is what is referred to as post-purchase dissonance (Banerjee, 2017 p. 1 Research Problem The research problem herein is inclined in the idea that there are consequences of a customer evaluating the process that led them into deciding to buy a product. Therefore, the research problem is that there are the disadvantages of an individual regretting having bought a product during a post-purchase evaluation and this affects a business because such a consumer may not come back to repurchase that product, at least not in the same shopping store they had initially bought. In as much as there may be positive feedback in the case of a customer not regretting the decision they made, but the main problem clearly stems from post-purchase dissonance.

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Once a consumer decides that they are not going back to the shopping store they got their product, for a repurchase, it becomes a loss of a customer to the business. This is why the evaluation process has to bear a number of dimensions which shall help in the understanding of how a buyer finally decides that the decision they made to purchase a product was either wrong or right. There has to be a discussion of the effects of the post-purchase evaluation process and this brings up the second objective of this study of outlining the impacts of the evaluation of a consumer’s decision to repurchase the product. When a customer uses a product and they get the expected satisfaction it is often clear that they would be willing to get the same product again in future.

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However, if they do find value in their money that they used to buy a commodity and consequently, feel dissatisfied then they will not want to repurchase that product again. Hence this has to uncover the effects of post-purchase evaluation on consumers’ decision to repurchase. Post-purchase evaluation refers to the analysis by a consumer, of the process of decision-making that led to their purchasing of a product thereby determining whether they made a right choice or not. This evaluation affects the repurchasing decisions as well. Online repurchasing intentions refer to the willingness of a consumer to buy again a particular product that was promoted online after they use it and define for themselves the goodness or badness of the commodity, based on the level of satisfaction they receive from it.

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Hence, a link between a post-purchase evaluation and the online repurchasing intentions of customers can be established. The perceived value of a commodity refers to that evaluation by a consumer, of a products benefits and costs of the product in comparison to others. Figure 1: The Theoretical Framework of Post-Purchase Evaluation Source: This model has been prepared on the basing of the following studies: Principality of research: Denzin, Norman K.  The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods. Routledge, 2017. Theory-driven thinking: Grant, Cynthia, and Azadeh Osanloo. "Understanding, selecting, and integrating a theoretical framework in dissertation research: Creating the blueprint for your “house”. When a product is in the hands of the final consumer, they get to judge if it has met the standards of the commodity’s value, as they perceived initially before the purchase of the good.

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Hence, this helps in influencing their intentions to repurchase (Wu, et, al. , 2014 p. These perceptions are created in the minds of people because when a product is promoted online an individual does not have the privilege to confirm its value. Instead, they only rely on the photographs and information they obtain from a particular website that is selling the product. In as much as there are many other factors apart from price, which people consider before purchasing a product, the price is one of the most essential. This is because it determines whether a person can buy a particular commodity or not depending on their income and budget. Hence, the price of a product also matters when an individual thinks of repurchasing a product.

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When a person buys a product at a particular price and uses it only to find out that they are not as satisfied as they would have expected, the intentions to repurchase fade away. This is because such a consumer feels that even if they paid less for the product, they still did not get the amount of satisfaction they expected when they decided to part that amount of money that bought the product. When such a product is delivered the consumer gets satisfied with the product as they are assured that it will serve its purpose well (Kaura, 2015 pp. There are also different types of online retailers who have websites. These platforms often show the characteristics of the goods being stocked.

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It is through such descriptions that a customer gets to know the quality of a product offered to the people. When the quality of the product does not represent that which an individual wants then the intentions to repurchase fade away because such a customer does not see the reason of repurchasing the product from that specific retailer if they have not found it satisfying in matters regarding quality. The resultant effect is that such an individual’s intentions to purchase get stronger because what was delivered is what they expected. Hence, it is justifiable to say that the specifications of a product largely influence a consumer’s intentions to repurchase (Lin and Watcharee, 2014 p. 5 Website Reputation The reputation of a website is very important for a consumer because it plays a role in their decision-making process.

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This is evident in the sense that when a customer wants to buy a product from a particular website like Amazon, for example, they ask their friends and even do research on the reputation of such a platform. This is because with the advancements in technology there has been a rise in conmanship and this makes most websites get stereotyped. 2 Population and Sample For this study, the best population that can ensure maximum reliability is achieved is a mixture of men and women in different age brackets. Young men and women of ages twenty to thirty can fit the age bracket of the youth whereas older ones can be in an age bracket of fifty years and above. A further diversification can be done by looking for introverts and extroverts so that the sample population can have people with different personalities.

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The best sample shopping store for this study is Amazon Company which promotes its products online. A follow up can be done on the consumers who decide to buy goods from this firm. The consumer satisfaction regarding the use of products is an area that has a huge amount of data that would take a lot of time to collect. There is also the human limits and this implies that finding the participants shall be tough. Not everyone is usually comfortable participating in questionnaires and, therefore, obtaining consent shall be challenging. The places to distribute the questionnaires also present a limitation as there is not enough time and resources to ensure a wide range of places are used in this study.

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