Different rules of American culture
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Anthropology
The seating arrangement is made in a manner that it rotates the circle and it has extended table holding approximately twenty people and booths holding four to five comfortably or larger booths seating as many as ten people. Usually the dining hall is crowded in the afternoons starting around noontime and into the evening around five-thirty through seven o’clock. I observed student behavior within the dining hall around the peak lunchtime hour of twelve o’clock. I witnessed many students eating in both cliques and those eating by themselves, apart from these groups of people. The first type dominant group I noticed enter the cafeteria were the ones eating by themselves and not traveling with a group of people. Cliques and other large groups of friends were the next dominant group I spotted while observing American culture in Schilletter.
Groups of large amounts of people took their time and didn’t appear as rushed as the individuals who quickly entered and then rapidly ate their food; instead, the groups of friends appeared much more patient then those who ate alone. These people all ate at the same table; many of these groups chose to eat in a booth because it allows for everyone at the table to be able to see everyone else and easily contribute to the conversation. Once in line, large groups, contrasting to the individuals in the cafeteria, took a much longer time to get their food because of the distractions of conversation. After waiting in line for food large groups crammed into the booths to eat together (Lewis, 2015). The idea of Americans’ depending on friendship and different cultural networks is shown by the arrangement of furniture’s inside the college cafeteria.
The elongated tables provide a serene environment where many people can seat and enjoy talking to each other while eating (Diesing, 2017). This also indicts that the American society embraces other networks in the social being. Even if perceived as individualistic, the American society always stress on friendship as well as an outer support network rather than being alone. Along with the style of the furniture in the dining hall, the arrangement of people sitting at these tables also reveals the rules of the society in question. Tis country improves the lives of citizens by safeguarding them from health hazards while adding much on the productivity of the company to shape its competitiveness. People not belonging to this culture are seen as those who can answer the question of demographic crises. This leads to the realization that these people wish to eat alongside their friends accept the culture that is the “American way”.
As noted, many of the individuals that travel and eat alone are mostly males (Blundo, 2017). This indicates the societies in America requires that men eat alone as compared to women who eat in social groups. At times I assumed certain things while watching individuals sitting alone (LeVine, 2018). It was easy to regard them as loners and accept what every one of them was sensing due to the bias displayed of being part of this American culture which is conducive to having large social networks. Observing people different from oneself is very demanding because my culture has influenced me to look differently at people who do not fit into constrains of our cultural rules. Individuals as well as and their colleagues who emanate from a sundry background table their exceptional insights as well as skills when they work in groups.
The collage can benefit from the experience and knowledge of employees from different cultures by availing to them a platform which encourages to adapt the different conditions in the workplace. lib. uoguelph. ca/index. php/perj/article/view/2502/2905 Blundo, G. Hidden acts, open talks. uchicago. edu/doi/abs/10. Lewis, S. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), 473-475. Gray, B. V. Case study observational research: a framework for conducting case study research where observation data are the focus. Qualitative health research, 27(7), 1060-1068. rnld.
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