Diversity and Inclusion at Hudsons Bay Company
Methodology 3 3. Sampling methods 4 3. Instruments 4 3. Analysis methods 5 4. Findings 5 5. However, the company has been ranked in the bottom of its competitors in the US, as one with the lowest employee diversity and inclusion. For that matter, the company faces stiff competition resulting in decreasing revenues. As such, the company needs to embrace diversity and inclusion strategy in the business, to be able to improve its brand image and gain competitive advantages. Diversity and inclusion are one of the best ideas that have solved the problems faced by different companies. Therefore, the company will also be able to gain a higher percentage of customer satisfaction if they embrace the idea of diversity. The employees were selected from different department stores from all the 90 retail stores of the company. Instruments The researcher employed valid research instruments throughout the research period.
For instance, questionnaires with relevant questions were given to 250 employees. Further, interview schedules were also drafted to ensure the timely approach to avoid inconveniencing the employees. In addition to that, rating and attitude scales were used to deduce information concerning customer service and diversity in the company. Based on the type of data collected, these two analysis methods proved to fit the objective of the research best. Findings • According to company annual reports of December 2017, the Shares reduced by 1. compared to 2016 reports. The stock also dropped by 22% which resulted in a decline in sales by 4. worth $3. percent rated the company as very poor in handling employees claiming they are kept in the dark concerning business decisions check on figure 1 and 2 for some of the employee reviews). The rest were reasonably satisfied by the company reward systems.
Further, 200 of them felt that the customer service methods in the company were fair enough to offer customer satisfaction. However, all the 200 employees who supported company customer service strategies were 30 years and above old. Figure 1: Former employee review Figure 2: Former employee review • From the social network, the researchers realized that 72 percent of customers were dissatisfied with the customer services at the company. According to Rodriguez, Peterson, and Ajjan, (2015, pp. good customer relations and management has a positive impact on the productivity of the company. From the findings, customers have always been complaining about the services and customer care, but the company seems to have not checked on such complaints. The company ought to have employed the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology to check on such social media comments and correct their mistakes.
However, with a large number of aged employees, adoption of current technologies seems to be another simultaneous problem that contributes to poor customer management. The only way employees can learn better about new innovative means is if they have different business abilities. Additionally, a significant percentage of employees are dissatisfied with the employee management system. In other words, employee satisfaction rate is less. Employee satisfaction should be the primary concern of the company managers since they play a significant role in impacting customer relations regarding commitment (Ahmad et al. pp. As such, the four keys act as the principles of inclusion n diversity and inclusion strategy, by providing an intervention that facilitates effectiveness in the organization hence leading to organizational development. Furthermore, diversity and inclusion strategy comes with consideration of the psychological inclination of employees’ identity (Dovidio et al.
pp. Psychological dynamics is one factor that can help company leaders to respond efficiently and nimbly to the socioeconomic problems facing the organizations such as improper customer services. Psychological inclination also promotes mutual understanding between different groups and instituting rules that recognize that both interconnections and differences can build essential diversified gains as a crucial resource in the organization. Recommendations For Hudson’s company to be able to implement diversity and inclusion strategy, the following recommendations are fundamental to pave the way for the strategy; • The company needs to reshuffle its employees and consider employing people with different business skills and abilities, to facilitate continuous learning and business updates within the organization. • The company also needs to increase the number of young employees in the company. Young employees are well conversant with social networking language and thus will be able to address customer comments using an empathetic language.
• The leaders need to improve their reward system for employees to improve employee satisfaction. As such, the company will enhance employee commitment and hence increasing the rate of productivity. Abad-Merino, S. and Tabernero, C. General Concepts About Inclusion in Organizations: A Psychological Approach to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations. In Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue (pp. Springer, Cham. Hudson’s Bay Co. is facing Big Challenges in 2018. online] Baystreet. ca. Available at: http://www. Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age.
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