Diversity and Inclusion Strategies at Workplace

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

This research paper is developed to examine diversity and inclusion strategies. Among the strategies examined include recognizing shifting in global understanding of diversity and inclusion, equality in accessing opportunities, collaboration and teamwork and workplace building an inclusive environment, using multiple measures and practices, ensuring modeling of diversity and inclusion by leaders, recognizing the connection between Innovation and diversity and inclusion, and multi-cultural diversity education and training in workplace. The research summarizes that proper and effective application of strategies can bridge the global gap experienced about ages, disabilities, ethnicities, education, and experiences. Diversity and Inclusion Strategies at Workplace Introduction Many years the US has received the in-flock of migrants from all around the world. The in-flocking migrants have given birth to the United States of today that has primarily almost all culture from around the globe converge as its citizen.

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Body Diversity and inclusion are in line with the force of globalization that needs to pull organizations towards understanding the best strategy of doing with other cultures and societies all around the world. To accommodate the changes in the workplace some best strategies should be in place. The best practices of achieving diversity and inclusion in globalization include recognizing shifting in diversity and inclusion’s global understanding, building an inclusive environment, using multiple measures and practices, ensuring modeling of diversity and inclusion by leaders, recognizing the connection between Innovation and diversity and inclusion. The strategies are described below Building an inclusive environment. The culture of inclusive involves an organizational environment allowing individuals with multiple mindsets, backgrounds and thinking ways to work together effectively with their highest potential for achieving organizational objectives based on significant principles.

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An inclusive environment fosters retention of talented individuals. In summary, an inclusive environment results in active roles of fostering innovation and creativity, shaping culture, and adding value to the performance of the company (Dollar, 2002). Recognition of shifting in the global understanding of diversity and inclusion. Diversity today is more than gender and race, thus, a growing significance of creating the environment where a variety of different in-flock of migrants from all around the world can be heard and encouraged. These migrants can or cannot be of same race, gender or ethnicity. This strategy creates a surrounding that allows collective resources, skills, and knowledge of migrated member to flourish. Collaboration is executed globally for a common goal-diversity. Teamwork and collaboration require an encouraging culture, definition of responsibilities and communication technology. Whenever members from different cultures become open and expressive to positive competition collaborative and teamwork become effective.

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The nature of collaboration and teamwork need a large group of people with varying background coming together to share experiences. The practices include employee resource teams, global mentoring initiative, multicultural talent management, e-Learning modules and strategic partnership development. For instance, Jason and David Manufacturing Company adopts e-learning modules to educate employees all over the globe. With multiple practices and measures, leaders of diversity and inclusion companies can address comprehensive questions surrounding their hiring thoughts processes and retaining trends. Multiple practices and measures strategies encourage employees in voicing their opinions (Discussant & Gupta, 2017). Ensuring diversity and inclusion modeling by leaders Diversity and inclusion modeling by the senior leaders is very critical. Lastly, driving accountability. Diversity and inclusion leaders should be vivid that global surrounding is an ambassador of free speaking. The converging employees from almost all culture around the globe should be encouraged to criticize biases.

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It is possible that modeling could be intimidating and slow, but at the end, both employees and leaders will feel empowered while taking individual accountability (Discussant & Gupta, 2017). Equality in accessing opportunities The role of U. Derven and Gundling et al.  (2014) argues that diversity can lead to the breakthrough in innovations and unfettered discoveries through improving the bottom line of companies. Again, with an inclusive environment, organizations can make most of the diversity to generate important innovations that can aid them to outperform their competitors. With enhanced innovation, challenges that migration and globalization bring into the workplace environment are minimized (Discussant & Gupta, 2017). Multi-cultural diversity education and training in the workplace. A significant shift in the economic and political terrain of countries, including the U. S, has led to fast-changing and complex trend.

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The discussion established that to accommodate the changes in the workplace some best strategies should be in place. The best practices of achieving diversity and inclusion in globalization include recognizing shifting in the diversity and inclusion’s global understanding, inclusive environment building, using multiple measures and practices, ensuring modeling of diversity and inclusion by leaders, recognizing the connection between Innovation and diversity and inclusion. Other strategies include collaboration and teamwork and workplace, multi-cultural diversity education and training in the workplace, and equality in accessing opportunities. et al.  (2014), Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion in a Global Economy.  ASTD Press, Alexandria, VA. Dollar, D. Globalization, growth, and poverty: building an inclusive world economy.   JI-A MIN. Diversity and Inclusion: A Beginner’s Guide for Human Resource Professionals.

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