Risk management plan for the outbreak of a communicable disease

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

It involves getting aware of a existence of a risk, evaluating the risk and prioritizing the risk and then the following up of coordinated economic application of resources to monitor the impact of the risk. Risks are classified as adverse and negative events. They include natural and catastrophic disasters, unpredicted events with unknown cause, accidents and loan risk including others. Risk management plans are very important for any organization, and they need to be adequately analyzed. It helps in guiding the safety of workers and everybody in around the organization premises. After establishment that it's true a communicable disease is present in the organization, a management camp should be created immediately, and their goal should be to lay down prevention procedures, outbreak control and how to manage the disease (Hitt, et al.

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The basis for selecting management plan of contagious disease as an example is because of how the outbreak can cause deaths in an organization at very high risk. Employees getting infected may ease the spread of the disease as they will infect their relatives at home. Recommended administrative and health care steps Rapid assessment It involves identification of the disease and obtaining entailed information about the whereabouts of the disease at the organization. It usually should take place in less than four days. Availability of clean water to the patients can also be used to prevent. In extreme occurrences, seven liters of clean water per person is encouraged (Djouma, et al. Still, in water cleanliness, there must be no disposal of waste materials near sources of water. The latrines in the organizations must be kept very clean and tidy.

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Also disposing of dead bodies if any occurrence happened should be a burial to at least 2 meters below the earth's surface. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability(HIPAA) HIPAA of 1996 provides secrecy of data and safety provisions for safeguarding the information of medical affiliations in the United States (Ginter, et al. Office for Civil Rights(OCR) This organization works meticulously with both doctors and patients to make sure that every patient understands their rights and privacies concerning personal health data and medical treatment selections (Ginter, et al. It also aids organizations educate health and community service workers about their civil rights, privacy in health information and confidence laws that medical experts must follow. US Department of Health and Human Services(HHS) It is a cabinet-level organization in the executive division of the federal regime.

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It has a mission to boost and protect the welfare of all citizens by giving efficient health services (Ginter, et al. Conclusion Communicable diseases are a massive menace to any organization, and therefore they need a comprehensive risk management plan to manage the risk. Broad preparation to develop, contrivance and monitor the outbreak of any communicable disease is vital in whichever organization. References Bates, D. W. Saria, S. A. Bowman, B. A. Prevention of chronic disease in the 21st century: elimination of the leading preventable causes of premature death and disability in the USA.  The Lancet, 384(9937), 45-52. Ginter, P. M. Duncan, J. Swayne, L. E. Strategic entrepreneurship: Integrating entrepreneurial and strategic management perspectives.  Strategic entrepreneurship: Creating a new mindset, 1-16.

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