Douglas Dynamics Internal Environment Strategic Plan

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

The leadership style of the management affects the employees and consequently the performance. The type of leadership varies from the traditional leaders that give instructions for execution while progressive managers allow employees to make their own decisions. The management controls the company’s philosophy and gives direction to other employees (Grant, 2016). The mission statement of the organization describes what the organization stands for and the reason for its existence as well as the overall purpose. Douglas Dynamics is the leading manufacturer of commercial vehicle attachments and equipment. Additionally, we need to consider the company’s policies that govern how to address organizational situations. The audit committee enables the board of directors to execute its role of oversight by providing accounting and financial reporting of the company. The committee ensures that the company adheres to the legal requirements in the areas it operates.

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These internal factors enable the company to predict the future of the business and make important decisions that affect the company. The audit committee also comprises outside advisors that assist in evaluating the company’s performance. The company has also experienced continuous improvement in its profitability for twelve years straight. The acquired companies also have successfully integrated and improved performance. The company also has a whistleblower policy that enables members to anonymously report any unethical activities that could cause a possible ethical breach. The company’s code of business conduct and ethics are all clear that all employees should follow. Employees, as well as directors, are free to report and discuss any concerns that they feel violate what the company believes is right (Douglas Dynamics, Inc. Douglas Dynamics also enjoys a large market share in different locations.

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As the market leader in North America, the company enjoys a large market share due to its trusted brands. This also extends to Europe and some parts of Asia. The company also enjoys an unlimited supply of components required for the manufacture of trucks and snow equipment. To ensure a continuous supply of components, the company keeps expanding by acquiring other companies that make it possible for the company to produce enough equipment to match the demand. With little money to spend on the equipment, the operations of the company will be affected. The environmental factors include the place of operation and how it influences the business. Douglas Dynamic deals with equipment used during snow. In the absence of snow, the business would be adversely affected. The company makes snowplows and supplies related accessories.

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These changes will influence the performance of the company differently. The company intends to continue expanding the company through acquisitions, and Mr. Janik will play a crucial role in achieving the company’s objectives. Sarah Lauber is the Chief Financial Officer and doubles up as the company secretary. Keith Hagelin is the President of Commercial Snow and has served in various leadership positions in the company. Böhnke-Henrichs, A. Mascarenhas, A. Sitas, N. Baulcomb, C. Carter-Silk, E. douglasdynamics. com/static-files/8ca83de9-fd84-4e84-ac67-9c406130bbbd Grant, R. M.  Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.

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