E Marketing Theory Essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

In the case for our study, we shall consider e-marketing from the following dimensions; the ladder of engagement, evaluation of social media platform, website checklist, trend analysis and a medium of transition to digital. The Ladder of Engagement The ladder of engagement is a systematic framework that is designed to involve participants from various levels of marketing, operations, and accomplishment of an entity, Milroy (2016). In any business environment, the success of every enterprise lies on extensively comprehending the consumers and their impact on the enterprise activities. An organization must understand the perceptions and sentiments of customers about their brands and the customer services they offer. Through this technique in marketing, firms are able to create a large market share by attracting and retaining customer loyalties This technique has various levels and marketers always start from the simple and easier one down the ladder which is awareness.

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firms these days post on YouTube and monitor the attracted people from the number of watches, likes, and comments from the comment box. • Visiting Once the interest has developed from watching the YouTube ad, they may decide to visit the organization's official website to be more informed about the product. With frequent visiting, one will be enticed to purchase. • Engaging This whereby the YouTube keeps users engaged through subscriptions and send them notifications about new uploads. Consequently, the users get in touch with the products and services. Through this, the employers advertise job opportunities and the employees also post their CVs. Companies develop ads to access desired professionals from various part of the world (Quinton &Wilson 2016, pp. Before obtaining LinkedIn services, one must have a means of payment and create an account.

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Basically, the compensations are made using credit cards thus marketers must have credit cards. Once you are a member, you will access services like limelight ads, supported emails amongst others. Due to the high population of professionals, the contents in LinkedIn are reached by many people globally. More than 500 million people communicate and interact with professional groups and this has been boosted by the use direct emails to members. Marketers use this platform to entice professional groups and therefore LinkedIn has proved to be an effective tool for creation of awareness through advertisements. Website checklist Creating a website is usually a headache to some as it requires proper planning and guidance for an effective launch and operation, Stillwagon (2016). The companies must always ensure that their websites are user-friendly and can be accessed easily by the potential customers.

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The marketers of the laptop on the page does it with well-designed graphics and allowing discount services to attract potential buyers. On the right-hand side of the website, one can create a login ID or even log into their account. Therefore, the image above of Amazon shows a better example of a properly developed website using the checklist above. Trend Analysis Trend analysis is a way of analyzing the statistical data and market behavior over a given time frame to obtain insights for strategizing and focusing on the future of a business. The main objective of trend analysis is to collect data, identify a specific trend based on the information gathered, consumer behavior and the commerce results (Dinner et al. Through this app, businesses can maintain and improve customers’ fidelity and use promotion strategies to get more clients.

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Since mobile device is always with the consumer, they can always easily access the application any time and everywhere and learn about new products and services of the company. E-commerce organizations such as the Amazon Company are amongst the businesses that have developed the app to easily access their customers and gain a competitive advantage. According to Saxsena (2013), Amazon has been able to supply more than nine million books, 130,000 goods from the over 100 brands they have. Currently in the emerging trends, according to Carat Global (2017) Amazon has created a Smile Code in their apps to enable the buyers to order their desired products which they eventually deliver to them at their locations. that shown home that was completely not prepared for the digital migration. The composition of this unprepared households was the African American, Hispanic, Asian, younger and lower income groups who were not likely to get internet access easily.

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The number of those who were unready for the digital transformation was about 1-2% of the people who tuned on before the transition deadline. According to Sewall (2014), by August 2009, three-quarters of households in the United States had switched to modern TV through converter boxes, 18. acquiring cable payments and 7. Companies like LinkedIn and Amazon which does e-retailing enhances their operations through creating appealing and stable websites, adopting ladder of engagement with potential customers, trend analysis and extensive use of digital media platforms such as televisions, radios, newspapers etcetera. Reference list Acar, O. A, and Puntoni, S, 2016. Customer Empowerment in the Digital Age.  Journal of Advertising Research. B; Harris, K. J and Carlson, D. S. Social Media Use in the Workplace: A Study of Dual Effects.  Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 28(1), pp.

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Creating customer engagement via mobile apps: How app usage drives purchase behavior. Go, E and You, K. H. But not all social media are the same: Analyzing organizations’ social media usage patterns.  Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), pp. E; Wang, E and Zhang, X. The use of social media among business-to-business sales professionals in China: how social media helps create and solidify guanxi relationships between sales professionals and customers.  Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10(1), pp. Oh, S. Is There a Coupon Divide? A Study of Technology Adoption in the Digital Television Transition of 2005. ins-android-app-429944 Sewall, S. The Nielsen Company. The Switch from Analogue to Digital TV. Retrieved: http://www. nielsen.

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