Emotional intelligence

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Social Work

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Various researchers have engaged in studies to try and understand whether leadership at the upper levels of management could be determined by having high levels of emotional intelligence (Peter, 2010). This is because emotional intelligence was also recognized as an underlying variable that would contribute to effective leadership at all levels Literature review Various things have been referred to as far as the definition of EI is concerned. These things include sociability, empathy, warmth motivation as well as optimism. Furthermore, two main approaches can be initiated to bring an understanding of emotional intelligence and its impacts on people’s daily activities (Rosete, 2005). These approaches include mixed models and ability models. Theorists within this field have stood out to protect the validity of self-reports as a reliable measure of emotional intelligence. Some have argued that the approach has been able to demonstrate its utility and some of the reports can be successfully differentiated from disposition (Van Rooy and Viswesvaran, 2004).

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Reporting bias within institutions where people can be motivated to fake good, poses as one of the other limitations of self-reports (Rosete 2005). Ability measures are considered to be better than self-reports since they do not leave an opening for a person to fake good. Ability measures are said to have a considerably impactful relationship with intelligence and a lesser connection to personality. The transformational leadership model was found to have correlations to emotional intelligence. Ability to monitor emotions was found to be one the factors that closely related to the components of transformational leadership which include individualized consideration, inspirational motivation and idealized influence (Palmer, 2001). One of the main aspects of EI that was profoundly associated with transformational management is the capacity to comprehend other people’s sentiments. The above arguments indicate that it transformational leadership is profoundly dependent on the existence of emotional intelligence.

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For instance, a leader who practices individualized motivation can connect and interact with the employees without much struggling. Establishing knowledge of one's emotions makes it impossible for the emotions to control them (Salovey 1990). Your feelings can only have control over you if you give them the upper hand. One can be able to choose ways to react to any situation without having to initiate their emotions. For instance, if one of the employees decides to use inappropriate language while addressing them, they can slow down, and think of the most appropriate mode of punishment for them. Ability based-measure of emotional intelligence. The ability to establish these kinds of competencies amongst the employees are one of the main reasons why emotional intelligence needs to be investigated (Salovey, 1990). The outcomes of the study also pointed out that MSCEIT has some added advantage over cognitive intelligence as well as personality (Mayer, 2002).

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Even though there was no evidence that MSCEIT correlates with any of the 16 personality factors, the procedure was observed to connect with other factors like warmth, vigilance, social boldness as well as privatizes (Brown, 2006). This study proved that the previous research was not wrong when it realized that there was a limited relationship between MSCEIT and personality. However, studies have unsuccessfully tried to establish a unique connection between EI and intellectual inspiration (Salovey, 1990). The other main argument presented is the fact that people may apply or may not apply knowledge in their daily life activities, but it may not have anything to do with intelligence. According to these sources, integrity, focus as well as ones nature of purpose can play a significant role in determining an individual’s need to use knowledge.

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Advantages of emotional intelligence. One of the commonly given examples is provided to help understand the purpose of emotional intelligence is the process where one looks back at some of the mistakes they made due to a lack of emotional intelligence. Sometimes people may not understand why they did some things, and others find it very difficult to know why they could ever make such decisions. The research also examined self-reporting as criteria for determining an individual’s emotional intelligence. However, this approach is faced with challenges that may devalue its effectiveness as a strategy. Emotional intelligent as a leadership requirement was also extensively discussed in the study (Salovey ,1990). The research explains categorically why emotional intelligence is highly required when determining the qualities of a good leader. This is because it involves a leader’s capacity to recognize and appreciate feelings.

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