Employee Exit and HR Involvement

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

ii) Weaknesses……………………………………………………………. iii) Consequences…………………………………………………………………. Short term ……………………………………………………………. iv) Medium term…………………………………………………………. v) Long term……………………………………………………………. These upheavals entail; downturns in the operations of an organization resulting from economic conditions, rightsizing or simply concentrating more on major competencies, creation of redundant positions as a result of merging between organizations as well as increased application of technology that may result to the need of few human capital (Lawler III, & Mohrman, 2003). It is the responsibility of human resource to manage an exit from a given organization so as to ensure the process is carried out in the best way possible. It is important to note that an organizational exit process will be easier if it is the decision of the employer to terminate an employee’s contract. On the other hand, it will be regarded as involuntary when an employee exits an organization on the basis of an organization’s mandate and not the free will of the employee to do so.

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An involuntary exit by an employee from an organization may result into termination of poor performance or basically random employee layoff due to the fact that the affected employees are no longer needed in the organization (Noe, et. Evidently, workers found it annoying for them not to be fully appreciated by the employer. They never received acknowledgement for the work well done. They also received a disrespectful treatment resulting from late reporting to work and mismanagement of artifacts. This profoundly had an effect on the morale of the workers who felt it proper to exit the organization (b) Low pay The workers at the museum were accustomed to low payment. Basically, providing employees with competitive salary and benefits presents one of the best ways of expressing care for employees. Study has it that a whopping 50% of those employees who desire to quit their current jobs result from the want to get away from their manager.

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Several factors might contribute to this problem. The employees who wanted a turnover as a result of wanting to move away from the manager based their complaints on the fact that they never felt comfortable raising up questions and issues affecting the museum as well as the increasing fear of the boss not being their advocate. e) They didn’t see much opportunity for career advancement Study has it that in most countries, employees tend to quit their jobs with an objective of seeking greener pastures with greater opportunities for career advancement. However, employers may desire to keep their best performing employees on specific roles forever. Of the survey, respondents who had the opportunity of changing their jobs within the organizations were able to acquire information through informal chats with the co-workers.

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It is evident that own employees can present the best talent sources to tap in the case of new openings within the company. It is therefore necessary for employers to keep employees aware of opportunities available (Noe, et. al. b) Getting along with employers can be fixed. It is important to note that hiring and training new employees will not be cost effective therefore the need to retain employees. The museum adopted more payment to its employees in order to curb the increased employee turnover over the years. e) Employees that actively engaged in their work are entitled to feedback at least once a week. This will be of more significance to the young employees who seek guidance as they mature through their careers. The museum management devised methods and structure for providing feedback to the employees so as to motivate them.

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It is very likely that some of the newly recruited employees may turn down the job offer in case they are not pleased with the attitude of the boss. In as much as providing information concerning the employers at the interview, it may have a profound effect on the employees. Besides, provision of well-timed feedback and proper support will go a long way in boosting employees’ morale thereby increasing productivity. Strengths of how it was handled (i) The museum management succeeded in retaining most of its employees by providing information on internal mobility as well as giving them opportunity of advancing in their careers. ii) Providing moral support by setting specific goals have ensured increased productivity. ii) Employee exit meant low productivity. Long term consequences (i) Employee exit damaged the image of the organization thereby hindering successful recruitment process in the coming years.

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ii) The lost revenue could not be easily recovered. There were both positive and negative impacts on the employees concerning the exit of some of the colleagues. Positively, the exit of some employees ensured that the organization had to revise its methods of carrying out management activities. The occurrences at the museum have been integrated with the components within the organization in that every position held by each worker is to be ensured that people holding these positions are highly skilled and ought to be in compliance with the organization’s terms and conditions. Recommendations (i) The organization should provide its terms in writing to employees. This is because the employees need to familiarize with the organizations which will help in avoiding problems in the future. ii) The museum management should clearly stipulate its requirements.

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This can be done through orientations so as to keep the employers aware of what is required of them as well as services being provided. Besides the employers should ensure the employees are well taken care of. This will ensure low employee turnover. References Noe, R. A. Hollenbeck, J. HR as a strategic partner: What does it take to make it happen?.  People and Strategy, 26(3), 15. Ulrich, D. Brockbank, W. Yeung, A. Crimp, D.  Richard Serra: Sculpture:[The Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 27-May 13, 1986]. Museum of Modern Art.

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