Ethical consumption literature review
For instance, after the aftermath of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, ShopHere proposed a plan to improve its working conditions at its supplier facilities around the world. Additionally, following the Uzbekistani incidence involving labor scandals and eventual public outcry and boycotts by consumers; ShopHere emphasized the need for ethical consumer policy, which in itself is not easily attainable. Even though the enterprise has faced significant criticism for its ethical incompetence, ShopHere has greatly improved their image so that they are now seen as leaders in social responsibility. Objectives of the Study To conduct a study on consumer’s ethical or purchasing attitude To carry out research on the contextual factors affecting consumer’s purchasing attitude or intention to make a purchase To determine the characteristics of the ethical labels influencing consumer purchasing attitude To conduct cross-cultural studies on the topic Research Aim The literature aims to effectively synthesize ethical consumption.
Research questions What is ethical consumption? What factors affect ethical consumption? What are the characteristics of the ethical labels influencing consumer purchasing attitude? According to Fisher (2012)1 ethical consumerism implies using goods that are sourced, made and produced ethically. posit that ethical consumers are no longer classified as less important and ethical products and services now account for increasing shares of many different markets (Ethical Consumer Markets Report 2018)8. Imperatively, it is still relatively unusual to find reliable and validated scales pertaining to ethical consumer behavior that incorporate both ecological and social issues. The need for such a scale is therefore pressing, because of an expanding social movement focusing on ethical consumption (Carrington et al. Does Ethical Consumption change with time? According to Sudbury-Riley et al. ethical consumption by different people across the world increases with time.
data were collected from 1695 respondents and the hypothesis of the findings concluded on the basis of a literature review and a pilot study. The conceptual structural model developed was tested through structural equation modeling. The final results indicated that the respondents who showed concern to the environment had a positive and direct impact on environmental knowledge, beliefs, and behavioral intention. Further, statistical data on the population determine levels of concern for the environment and environmental knowledge. All constructs associate positively with one another precisely indicating that the mutual interdependence between them determines the responsibility towards environmental behavior. found out that younger and older shoppers may find their money indisposable, and that even though younger shoppers have a strong affection for ethical products, the goods may be expensive for them, thus affecting their consumption habits.
The results further indicate that older and younger consumers could be enjoying shopping from a specific place, relatively smaller in size and the prices of commodities slightly cheaper. Essentially, older consumers could be literally stuck to their old shopping habits and less interested in ethical or organic goods. Conclusion In conclusion, this literature focuses on goods and services that are agreed upon by many, and whose use benefits both human and ecological welfare. Even though different scholars express mixed opinions about ethical consumption, it remains significant that value is an important aspect of how different consumers around the world carry out their choice and purchase of goods and services. Journal of Business Research 67, no. Chow, Wing S. and Yang Chen. Corporate sustainable development: Testing a new scale based on the mainland Chinese context.
Journal of business ethics 105, no. com/europe/2012/11/17/europes-british-problem [Accessed 8 Feb. Fairtrade International Annual Report 2013 To 2014". Fairtrade. Org. Uk. ‘’Leading in Context. What Does Ethical Consumerism Mean for Business?. online] Available at: https://leadingincontext. com/2012/10/10/what-does-ethical-consumerism-mean-for-business/ [Accessed 8 Feb. Pagiaslis, Anastasios, and Athanasios Krystallis Krontalis. Marketing Intelligence & Planning 32, no. UK Ethical Consumer Markets Report | Ethical Consumer". Ethical Consumer. ethicalconsumer. org/research-hub/uk-ethical-consumer-markets-report A quick representation of Ethical Consumption Table of Summary Author Findings Research Methods Implications Chow and Chen( 2012) Ethical consumption influences environmental and human welfare Qualitative surveys Environmental and human welfare form an integral part of ethical consumption.
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