Evaluating a Restaurant Website

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Economics

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My rationale for choosing to evaluate the qualitative aspect of this website is because these are the same features that a college student will be looking at when they visit this website. The features of Beckett’s burger bar website will give a visitor their first impression of the website basing on the color and choice of font they see. Although the red and black theme with white font will look boring for many students, the quality of content and the ease of navigation make it a good website. Evaluation findings This evaluation will be looking at the first impression, navigation capabilities, quality of content, ease of searching for information, interactivity, website compatibility, user knowledge, and user satisfaction. First impression Once a person gets to the homepage of this website, they will right away start having a mixed reaction because of the choice of theme.

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On visiting the website for the first time, these words will automatically tell a person the kind of website they have just visited. The first line states that; we offer pub fare and specialty burgers that are the best in the area. This text alone is enough proof that the website belongs to a restaurant. The view our menu button is larger than the rest which makes the website easy to use. Other features that are available at first sight include the time and contacts of the tavern. However, the page has a few negative aspects for a new user. First, there is no sitemap to guide the college student and does not include an internal search engine for users who cannot find what they are trying to find. Secondly, the order online should be on the same page as the menu so that one can view and place their order without having to open extra tabs.

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Thirdly, there are too many clickable buttons making it complex for a person in a hurry or with limited computer abilities to navigate back and forth. Quality of content Beckett’s burger bar website contains information that’s up to date concerning the services offered. The provided social media links are is a positive step towards finding information that new customers may need. However, lack of FAQ page negatively affects this evaluation as we cannot find any additional information apart from meal menus. Also, not having a sitemap and to the restaurant negatively influences the ease of finding information on the location. Finally, the website does not include a search engine and this affects the level of ease to find information on the website through quick searches. Interactivity The website includes clickable images on the home page and information highlight on mouse hover over the images.

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The browser does not compel the user to install additional cookies in order to access some of the content and images can load easily and fast which enhances efficiency to the user. User knowledge The website does not provide for the registration of users. Therefore, the website does not have a way to remember a frequent user. The site doesn’t have adaptive capabilities either where it can record the browsing patterns of the visitor or the customer buying history. User satisfaction By using the website, a new student can find satisfaction because of the simple website and ordering process. Based on the evaluation of Becket’s burger bar website one can understand the usefulness of the restaurant’s website.

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