Political Economy in US
This is the first time that a president who is holding office has never served in any public office or joined the army in any capacity and that is what the losing party had tried to portray his incompetence. The election had a poor turnout in regions that were considered swing states and the Democratic Party miscalculations led to their downfall for the failure of addressing the issues that affected the middle-class white Americans (Patterson, 79). Donald Trump, on the other hand, was able to ignite emotions that were harbored by Americans in terms of healthcare reforms, diplomatic ties, immigration and economic empowerment of American citizens with his campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again”. Most white Americans were feeling the superiority of America as a global superpower had waned due to the foreign and diplomatic policies that were made under President Barrack Obama.
Therefore, the focus of the election that was heavily predicted by analysts to be won by Democrats ended up being won by a Republican who had more controversies but he was able to overcome all odds and become the president of United States of America (McKay, 67). billion. These staggering numbers show how democracy is expensive and the number of resources that are put in ensuring that an election process is complete. In terms of amassing campaign funds, Hillary Clinton had been able to collect over $1. billion while Donald Trump had amassed $958 million as at 31st December 2015 and that means the amount continued to increase as the candidates neared the final phase. Party and joint fundraising committees had enabled Donald Trump to get $543 million while Hillary Clinton had $598 million. Presidential funding had never been a considerate matter in the winning of an election because during the 1960 presidential campaign the total amount raised was $10 million by Nixon and Kennedy and Kennedy went on to win the race whereas he had less (Scammell, 89).
However, the situation seems to have changed because since 1998 the candidates who won in their elections had more campaign funding than their rivals. This is the strategy that Clinton won with as well as Barack Obama in 2008 where he had $700 million dollars to Mitt Romney’s $500 million. Therefore, the victory of Donald Trump without financial muscle can be termed as the first "budget loser" to be elected to the White House since Jimmy Carter in 1976. The amount of money that goes to funding and running successfully of failed presidential campaign bids are staggering with the figures showing skyrocketed and sometimes ambiguous spending and utilization of those funds. donated $1million to the super PAC, called the Congressional Leadership Fund and it mostly funds Republican candidates, Laura Ricketts, a co-owner of the Chicago Cubs baseball team donated $50,000 to LPAC, a hybrid super PAC.
Qualcomm Inc. executive Mark Epstein donated $2. million for his wife’s congressional bid in Maryland which was 99% of the total campaign funding in that district. Therefore, under such equity, the affairs of such a state can be seen to be held at ransom by the leading funder and donor. popular votes. President Trump’s cards were played well a fact that made him emerge the winner of the presidential case. Specifically, seven major factors contributed greatly to the Triumph’s win. The factors are for instance Antipathy trumped anger, the outsiders trumped the insiders, the message delivered by the acting president trumped the material, chaos trumped order and lastly the act of media trampling itself. Starting with the first factor, the act of antipathy trampling anger the primary determinant of not only the United States election but other election is the number of voters turn out.
Despite the arguments presented on the frequent media that Clinton won the Coastal States republican had taken control in the rural regions across the entire region United States region while Democrats assumed control of Urban regions and college towns. Thus arguments presented in the popular media did not present real facts of the election. The primary reason that resulted in Trump’s win is that the voters from the rural areas turned out in large numbers than the voters in the urban centers. Precisely states such as Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania voter’s turnout was more promising. Together with voter turnout favor, campaign strategies defined by Reince Priebus (Republic National Committee) assisted bringing the together the tactical plans that brought together rural folks The way in which Clinton conducted her campaign was a primary reason that made the presidential candidate lost the election.
They thought by so doing Trump could have ruined his reputation but at long land, he was the beneficiary of a free media pass. CNN also played a vital role in helping Trump win the primaries through according him biased coverage in his campaigns and pronouncements. By the time media house discovered that Trump was serious in the presidential race, and begun to be more critical and analytical in covering his campaigns it was very late since Trump had gained center stage of media coverage and he was not going to be upstaged. Trump made use of his position in the mass media to continue dominating the news cycle. Additionally, the presidential candidate made use of the rallies that were directly aired by media houses to denigrate and discredit the media and make the fourth enemy of the people.
Trump emerging the winner of the election. The democrat's last stand relied on Clinton’s stand on her strength in the Midwest. Midwest states had earlier before gone Democrat for decades based since they gave Democrats full support from the black and working-class white. Clinton had relied heavily on the Midwest states, however, a swing of voters let her down after the majority of the voters in the described regions failed to turn out for the election. Facts presented in the previous sections of the essay presents the primary reason why Trump won the 2016 election and some reasons why Clinton lost the bid for the presidency. cbsnews. com/news/election-2016s-price-tag-6-8-billion/ https://www. forbes. com/sites/niallmccarthy/2016/07/28/how-much-does-money-matter-in-u-s-presidential-elections-infographic/#3e512c946a6a https://www. opensecrets. Patterson, T. E. News Coverage of the 2016 Presidential Primaries: Horce Race Reporting Has Consequences.
Patterson, T. E.
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