Experiences in one's life and it's influence on socialization
It borrows heavily from developmental psychology. This paper delves into the assessing of one’s attitudes and values and explains how primary socialization agents affects one’s development. Furthermore, it seeks to help learners to contrast their own experiences with those of others, thereby better understanding the diversity of attitudes and values that exist within the community. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory of Development was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner, an American psychologist. The theory posits that the development of a person is influenced by the social relationships and the environment around them. My miscrosytem consisted of my family. It was large but close knit and there was interdependency. From my family, I learned the values of hard work sharing and support for one another. The mesosytem forms the second level of the Brofenbrenner’s system theory and includes the interactions amongst the respective portions of the person’s microsystem (Moen, Elder, & Leuscher, 1995, p.
The microsystems are interdependent and exerts influences upon each other. This proved to be difficult in the beginning but I later learned to adapt. The outer most layer of Brofensbrenner’s ecological system is the macrosystem and includes the cultural environment where the person lives and the various system affecting them. It includes the economy cultural values and the political system. I grew up in Punjab where we practiced the Punjabi culture. In our culture, people are very friendly and hospitable. It influences all the aspects in the development of a child, from language to belief systems. I was born in a Sikh family in a remote village in Punjab, northern India. Our family was a large one, consisting of my two siblings, my parents, two paternal uncles and their families and our grandparents.
We were fifteen in number and lived in one big house. We were seven kids nearly of the same age group raised together. According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system, cultureforms part of the macro system. It also includes customs and laws. I was raised in the Punjabi culture. Punjabi culture has a very rich history and is vast and complex in nature. The Punjabi people exudes vivacity and exclusiveness in their lifestyle, from our spirituality, philosophy, values, artistry music and cuisine. The population was diverse and I had the opportunity to learn the different languages and cultures and religions that existed within my community. By learning the different cultures I was able to better serve the needs of my neighborhood. I also understood the importance of volunteering. Through volunteering, I was able to take away the focus from myself and be of help to those in need.
I was able to positively influence other young people. Having someone so close to me gave me a new outlook of things. She contributed to my socialization. I became a very active student at my school and was also in charge of my class at ninth grade. I participated in many cultural functions during high school My science teacher, Mr. Manjeet Singh, was my favorite. I started to listen to Gurbani and Nitnem (god worship) that helped me to have a peace of mind. I learnt that in life we have to face challenges and to achieve our goals we have to work hard and not to despair. During this time we moved from the village to the city because my father wanted to start a business there. With the support of my parents, I managed to get admission in a medical college.
Starting college in a city was a very struggling period for me. The intensity of religious belief vary across different families. While some families take religion casually, others are very much involved and religion influences many aspects of their lives for example mode of dressing and food preparation. All the major religions are grounded on similar basic concepts regarding morals and ethics based on the basic virtues of love, respect, tolerance, and honor. I was born in a Sikh family, my parents were very pious and would visit the temple daily. My mother influenced me to develop a very strong belief in God. From eating and playing with them, I learnt cooperation and socialization. We started to become independent from the adults in our decision making. We would chat for hours on end.
I also shared a lot of things with my friends. I learned new habits from my friends, some good some bad. I learned about leadership, time management, helping others through participation in various religious programs. During my high school, I became a member of Red Cross society. I organized many blood donation camps along with my other classmates. I was also an active member of the Indian National Cadet Corps which is on voluntary basis recruits school and college students and grooms them into disciplined and nationalistic citizens. During the last year of my high school, I also became a member the National Service Scheme. The most important moral is to realize your potential by tapping into the power of your deepest motives and values. I learned not to worry so much in life since worries tend to dampen our moods and prevents us from unleashing our full potentials.
In my childhood, I always read a book Ramayana the story of Lord Rama. This is the story of a struggle between good and evil. The victory of good over evil is the main wisdom of the epic. Just like the wider economic and political system, Brofensbrenner classified era under macrosystem. Economics growth rate in India increased as policies were liberated and the country shifted from its socialist ideologies. Urbanization was also in its best growth years. Technological advancements were recorded in many sectors. I still remember audio and video cassette players from that period, which were one of the most common entertainment sources. Status of women in the society was also not good. They were considered inferior and treated like a burden on the society. People were against female higher education.
But with time, the situation of women started improving. People started giving respect and equality to them. Successfully completing each stage lead to the gaining of basic virtues while failure to complete a stage successfully could lead to a lessened ability to face the next stage and thus developing a negative sense of self. However, these stages could be resolved afterwards in life. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory uses a pyramid to depict human needs in a hierarchical model of five tiers (Maslow, 2017, p. This theory posits that human beings get motivated to meet particular needs and some are more precedential than others. Human behavior is first motivated by the need for survival. Furthermore, changes or conflict in a given layer has a ripple effect on the other layers. Looking back into my life now, I am a responsible and caring mother and a successful wife.
I learned to be a devoted wife and mother right from my formative years from my mother. I am hard working woman. I am loving and caring towards my family having being brought up in a large but close knit family. These include family, home, culture, school, the community one grows in, religion, peers era among others. According to Brofenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the environment is divided into five layers namely the microsystem, the mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosytem. If one is understand another person’s values and attitudes, it is important to study their socialization agents. References Bronfenbrenner, U. Mahoney, M. H. A Theory of Human Motivation. Lanham: Dancing Unicorn Books. Moen, P. Elder, G.
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