Freedom to be challenged

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

Her works explore in many directions such as Feminism, religious and social problems. She is a very brave artist as she dares to speak and express her idea loudly to the world in the form of art. Most of her works are very inspiring to me not only in art, her works also help me think about the world in another perspective. The first work is called “If I Loved You It Was Because Of Your Hair. Now You No Longer Have Your Hair, I Don’t Love You Anymore. ” In another word, long hair can also show wealth and social status. However, during the 20th century, women were beginning to push against the idea that they needed to be taken care of by men.

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Visually, this painting is illustrated with a very simple background. The wall is painted with concrete white color and the floor is in bloody red. The concrete white color could show that this woman is not a decorated person and the red floor shows that she is in an intensive atmosphere. Very strongly, I can feel that it is a man speaking in a voice of menace to this woman. The only thing has changed is her hairstyle and this man is also very straightforward that he commits that it is only because of the hair makes him fall in love with this woman. There is no difference to me that this man is treating the woman like a pet or a sexual toy.

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He has already equaled his love to long hair in this conversation. The artist is trying to show the narrow mind of some male when they are choosing their companions. A woman in a swimsuit is posing to us. She has the similar hairstyle and appearance as Sarah. There is no resource that shows this woman is Sarah but we can assume that she has similarities with Sarah. Visually, this woman is wearing a purple swimsuit and she has black long curved hair. The most interesting part of her is her posture. This painting reminds me of commercial advertisements since she makes herself look attractive like a commodity. Personally speaking, the man speaking this sentence does not leave any choice for this woman in the painting as there is no socket on the wall and it means there is no other access for the woman to get to the world.

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She is locked or limited by the man even though the man asks her to plug in the plug verbally. From my point of view, this girl is like a sex toy to this invisible man. She is posing to please the man because she is cut off from the world and the man is her only accessible thing. The elder girl has her legs closed which means she is trying to protect her vagina from straightly being seen by the public. It can be thought that this is the normal process of growth for girls, which shows the changes that take place in them. Why were we willing to embrace our body when we were younger? From my point of view, this could closely relate to our education about sex.

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As we grew up from children to adults, we received more information about human sexuality, which included sexual activity, sexual reproduction and so on. We get to know our bodies more and we get to know what a “perfect” body is. The girl on the left appears to have no idea of what the posture means, while the girl on the right knows how to pose to be sexier and appealing. In conclusion, this kind of growing process is controversial, in one hand we obeyed our natural growth, and on the other hand we satisfy social aesthetic and our understanding of beauty. This is Sarah’s photography work called “Self Portrait”. She did this while she was at an art school and she decided to be an artist who can say what they want to say and own the freedom to be challenged.

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When Sarah mentions in her TEDx Youth talk, she has a very complex identity. From my point of view, she is trying to show another aspect of Muslim women in her own way, challenging not only the Muslims but also the rest of the world. What she is trying to say is not important for me, it is her actions of actually doing and showing something different that really makes me feel touched. Personally speaking, I don’t think there is any right or wrong standard in the moral world. If we look back on the world’s movement, we will find out that we are all challenging our ancestor’s moral standard. We are all exploring for the new standard and more or less we are all questioning about our moral system.

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aestheticamagazine. com/interview-god-feminist-artist-sarah-maple/ http://time. com/4348252/history-long-hair/ https://www. sarahmaple. com/paintings-3/ https://www.

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