From Feudalism to Capitalism
The church in feudalism had the pope being believed to be Gods representative on earth by the Christians and that God also appointed Kings. The church spread out and become a major part in the feudal system (Huberman, 15). In particular, the Christian church was able to flourish throughout that time. It is believed that everything was held by the pope and delegated the duties to the kings who then had servants to carry out the tasks. The merchants with regard to feudalism, at first, were not in any way linked to the feudal system. The feudal society on the middle ages consisted of three classes; the prayers, the fighters and the workers. From this, it can be seen that the revolution was supporting the abolishment of feudalism (Huberman, 3). To this account, there were several debates with regard to this issue that led to the National Constituent Assembly in France announcing the abolishment of the feudal system completely.
This happened on the night of 4th August 1789. EQUALITY AND POLITICAL POWERS IN THE 13 COLONIES Inequality refers to the state whereby there is the presence of unevenly distributed resources and opportunities in the society. The other explanation was that equality in all human beings is quite different from political equality in such a way that, human beings are all equal in the eyes of God. The attitude of colonial leaders towards the poor in the 13 colonies, the proprietary colonies (those that were granted to various families) were regarded as the poor. This can be seen in the effect that they often received a small share of the national cake from the British government. Most of the people in these colonies did not quite well understand how the government works and operates and hence were greatly exposed to the threats of exploitation (Parenti chapter 2).
This was now the resultant attitude from the colonial rulers to the poor in these colonies. A limited government is that kind of government which has its authorities and powers given to it by the Republic of the people of the land (Parenti Chapter 2). This means that it can only pursue to accomplish its obligations to the extent of the powers bestowed upon them by the people. To add on this, limited government practices will often involve the ultimate protection of a person’s liberty from external government intrusion. On the other hand, an absolute tyranny government refers to the type of government where the state is ruled by an absolute ruler (Declaration of Independence). His or her reign is experienced with unjustly and often oppressively form of rules and regulations.
The “Article of Confederation” was an agreement that was approved by the 13 original states which was arrived at after much deliberation and debating which later acted as the first constitution of the United States of America. After ratification by the 13 states, the articles of confederation later came to full force application. This was done on 1st march year 1781. The reason as to why the articles of confederation failed was because of the existing Congress and the National Government in the United States of America which had not been given enough power to rule. This was majorly because of the presence of the ratified articles of confederation.
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