Future and Impact of Artificial Intelligence
However, these developments made in technological milestones are also going to substitute for various sectors the work which is currently being performed by humans (Nagel, 2018). This act of replacing human workforce with machines with Artificial Intelligence has sparked huge public concern across the globe. Based on the McKinsey Global Institute’s report which was released in January 2017 on automation in respect to jobs gained and jobs lost, there will be significant workforce transitions in the period automation in the next two decades. The report assessed the types and number of jobs that could possibly be created in various set-ups through 2050 and compares that to the number and types of jobs that might be lost due to the process of automation. The results from the report show that there is a huge potential shift in the years ahead in various occupations, with the most notable implications for the wages of the workforce and their skills (Nagel, 2018).
office support and general office administration workers at 96. secretaries and personal assistants at 92. receptionists at 83. and bus, truck, taxi, and rail drivers at 80. Szczepanski, 2017). It is clear that automation of service regarding the taxi industry has generated a positive impact, especially in the poor suburbs where unemployment rate was relatively high. It has created over 48% jobs in these suburbs. Actually, not less than 10% of the drivers under Uber are military veterans, whereas about 15% are aged over 55 (Szczepanski, 2017). Most drivers shifted to the UberX platform of driver partners because of the smart technology which allowed them to set their own time to work and also take home 80% of each fare they receive. This is the good part of automation as it has helped to create employment opportunities by enhancing flexibility of taxi work.
Therefore, it is recommended that the necessary measures are put in place to ensure that the industrial changes are made to accommodate the expected shift due to the automated self-driven vehicles. Teachers Teaching occupation luckily falls under the type of work which requires high levels of creative intelligence, technical ability, and social intelligence. This implies that it may take longer for the impact of automation and artificial intelligence to be felt in teaching occupation in Australia. Other types of works that may still endure in a few decades to come alongside teaching include; doctors and nurses, information communication and technology (ICT) professionals, engineers, and managers (Spencer, 2017). Currently, the risk posed to the teaching profession by the technological automation and AI in Australia stands at 3. On the other hand, there may be children whose parents are too much involved, or not involved at all in their education.
It requires a teacher to be effective to be able to navigate these obstacles and still meet the requirements of the usually changing curriculum. The education sector has been developing through the past one decade. There has been also a constant increase in the number of teaching staff in Australia. In 2017, there were 282,000 FTE (full-time equivalent) teaching staff, a rise of about 2% from previous year. By 2060, the higher education system will have changed and may rely more on machines than human teachers. Primary and secondary education may still rely human support, but at a minimum level. Therefore, even though they may not lose their job, teachers will have to change their mode of teaching to keep up with the changing technology. The main challenge existing is how they will make their expertise revolve about the new developments to deliver better education services using ultramodern technology.
It is highly likely that these teachers will need new training to be able to use the new tools effectively. They account for the jobs least at risk in Australia from technology and computerization. Individuals within the industry with the risk of between 0. and 3. include: Medical practitioners, Midwives and nurses, Education, health and welfare managers, ICT managers and Education professionals. Other occupations with a threat of between 3. Moreover, engineers and other experts will have so many instruments at their disposal through 3D printing to make their work easier in designing or developing things along their profession (Szczepanski, 2017). The art and design, fashion, hospitality and all other sectors will also have so many things with artificial intelligence at their disposal. What is required is to have them learn how to integrate the technology and automation in their profession.
This requirement poses a huge challenge to the people in creative industry as they will need to go back to the drawing board o learn afresh how they can apply the developments made in the field of technology into their innovative ordeals. Also, it is clear that the artificial intelligence and automation will need time to be fully incorporated into their line of business of those in creative industry. In connection to the creative industry and that of teaching profession, we can conclude that the developments in artificial intelligence and automation will pose a challenge with regard to sthe adopting of new ways of teaching and doing business. The main challenge will be getting an advanced training on not only how to use the new technology in the line work, but also getting the amount of capital required in installing the technology in the business.
We can therefore conclude that the new trends will need adequate training which may be costly and time consuming, leave alone its implementation in teaching and creative industry, which is a threat to the development of creative industry. The system of education will also need to change, and teachers along with it. The same conclusion can also be made about the creative industry, where the people who will fail to adapt to changes by adopting automation in their business may have to close down. au/fact-finders/people-and-businesses/employment-trends/in-the-archive/creative-workforce-overview Morikawa, M. Firms' expectations about the impact of AI and robotics: evidence from a survey. Economic Inquiry, 55(2), 1054-1063. Nagel, D. AI, Education and the Future of Everything.
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