Global marketing research
These strategies demonstrate to be valuable tools and approaches that a business can successfully apply to improve sales as well as enhance its brand image and awareness globally. Therefore, this study will cover various marketing communications strategies such as advertising and sales promotion in relation to appealing to BMW customers globally. The paper will also explore how culture plays a key role in affecting customer behavior, especially in international markets and recommendations on handling culture influence on customer behavior for improved sales. Background BMW According to the case “The Challenge for BMW”, the company made a huge sum of profits and a great market turnover in 2016 but was not able to overtake their challenger, Mercedes. This forced the company to introduce new models with an attempt to increase its markets share globally.
For instance, Indonesia value a system of collectiveness rather than individualism that entail mutual assistance. Members of the society take great responsibility in their work and relationship. BMW consideration of these factors is a good way to introduce services and products that support these values in order to influence sales among its target audience. Legal Selling products on an international level is complex as it requires adhering to all legal measures of the county where the product is to be sold. Therefore, in the case of BMW, it is important that the company takes a serious consideration of the legal aspects when introducing its brands to new customers in Indonesia. The political aspect is an important aspect to consider in the case of BMW since most international government policies if not adhered to can potentially impact the fortunes of an organization (Khanna, 2017).
With this aspect in mind, it is important that BMW Company introduces environmental friendly products with less emission and reduced fuel usage to align with the current global trend. BMW should do the same in Indonesia to avoid legal issues connected to safety and product quality in its new market. Technological The company should also consider incorporating various technological aspects in its products since technology is key in the today automobile industry. The sector is growing with major players maximizing the advantages of technology to increase market share and competition. Uncertainty Avoidance It is difficult to predict the future and this ambiguity results in anxiety because of the negative outcomes that might not be perceived or controlled. However, in Indonesia, they have a way of handling uncertainty even upon arrival. They tend to be polite and have adapted to a low preference mindset of avoiding uncertainty by separating internal self from external self.
Indonesia value harmonious relationships and they hardly react in a negative way and tend to use a direct method as their means of conflict resolution. They have a tendency of appealing and making the boss happy through hard work (Hofstede Insights, 2019). Therefore, in connection to our marketing case of BMW, the application of advertisement by including TV and radios ads, ads in newspapers and magazines, introducing pay-per-click ads on various online websites and apps can help create awareness, especially in areas where the product seem less popular (Roger, 2013). Other advertisement methods include branding, using outdoor means such as billboards and vehicle banners and digital marketing such as blogs, YouTube, social media, video games, among others to reinforce the brand message, credibility, and image. Through producing appealing advertisements that aim the targeted audience in all platforms, BMW Company will be in a position to compete in new markets with a mindset of creating brand awareness and winning more customers.
Sales Promotion This is a type of Pull marketing strategy that works well with products that are new in the market or not receiving much attention. Therefore, this marketing communication method includes a temporary activity that aims at improving revenue and sales for a business. Reference List Ipsos, (2016). Opportunities and Challenges in Indonesia’s Automotive Industry. Retrieved from http://www. ipsosconsulting. com/pdf/indonesia-automotive-industry-outlook-2020. Pestle Analysis of Automobile Industry. Retrieved from https://www. scribd. com/document/105215940/Pestle-Analysis-of-Automobile-Industry Taylor, S. Indonesia Business Etiquette & Culture. pdf Blattberg, R. Brieach, R. Sales Promotions. Retrieved from https://www. researchgate.
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