Global Warming Research Proposal
From my in depth research I have come to the conclusion that Paris Ris will be the most ideal town to strategically take our training. The town is fast growing, with several factories and many investors engaging in agriculture practicing greenhouse farming. The town is densely populated with most of its occupants engaging in human activities that have some great influence on the climate. I feel that Paris Ris I will be ideal since most of its residents embrace learning and the training will much of a welcome idea to them. If you have any question regarding the training or any clarification kindly contact me; Smith 555-000-765. Today many people are ill, others incapacitated and many others are at the verge pf contracting complications they can never justify their sources.
Research has shown that human activity largely has the largest contribution towards adverse change in climate. Fluctuations in the climate have brought about the issue of global warming. Studies have suggested that if nothing is done in mitigating the effect of global warming in just a few years to come we might start experiencing temperatures of over 4 degrees Celsius way over the normal pre-industrious levels, this will increase chances of experiencing catastrophes in the whole world, (Root, et. Al, 2003) The world is experiencing climate change, (unfavourable change), this has been propelled by human activities which has resulted in threatened human life and nature at large. We are subject to the kind of lives that we live today, (Root, et. Al, 2003). Everyone is boasting of great advancements in technology and the very many wonders it has done in promoting productivity and how it has changed the world of business without forgetting the key role it has played in globalization and integrating the world markets to what they are today.
But it is worrying how the same technology has played a pivotal role in worsening the effects of global warming. Can’t this technology provide solution to the many questions we have unanswered on global warming? The more appetite we have for acquiring new cars each day and driving the more the side effects, we are living in an unfit environment. • To propose the mitigation strategies that could be employed in demystifying the effects of global warming. Body Global warming refers to the rise in average temperatures in the atmosphere. Global warming occurs when heart energy from sun hits the ground (earth) and returns to the space but instead of reaching the space it is trapped in the atmosphere without necessarily being radiated to back to the space. The atmosphere of the earth acts like a green house in that it captures the heat coming from the sun, in other words it ensures that temperatures are regulated to fit survival of ecosystem including human beings.
Research shows that if there never existed the moderating atmospheric greenhouse then life on earth would full of misery due to coldness. Changes in temperature have greater influence on the patterns of wind globally, this also explain the reason a to why many researchers who have the appetite and passion for global warming are shifting their attention to the global climate and how it influences global warming since the two are closely intertwined. Therefore global warming is apparently as a result of changes in the climate. Climatic changes and more specifically those that increase the temperatures in the atmosphere have been attributed to influence climate and directly this leads to global warming effect. Human activity has largely been questioned and blamed for causing increased changes in the climate in that they increase the carbon which contain gases in the atmosphere (Upper atmosphere) and at the lower atmosphere the number of tiny particles increase too.
This has contributed wholesomely to the question of the global warming effect, (Cox, et. It is very clear that as the climate is changing also the global warming trends are changing in the like manner. There are so many influential factors to our climate that are uncontested and seemingly human efforts will continue to ply major role as far as global warming is concerned. Other very conspicuous evidences that the climate is changing is the rising sea levels, hurricanes and typhoons, changing ecosystems, hot waves and droughts of which they never used to be as they are today. Cox, et. Al, 2000), As earlier mentioned climatic changes are directly proportional to the hanging trends in the global climate which justifies the alarming rates of increase in global warming even in regions it never used to happen.
There is need to sensitize people and to inform them on the negative effects of their activities to the global climate. Methodology This research proposal will employ the use of learning aids and illustrations during trainings to help the participants have a better understanding of concepts. It will also involve use of practical case studies. The participants will also be provided with learning materials in order to be able to refer even in future whenever they want to remember important points. Research design/ sample size The research will involve participants from Paris Ris east of Singapore of a majority age from 18 years and above. Nature 421. Cox, P. M. Betts, R. A.
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