Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

Consequently, the author clearly portrays acts of courage, bravery, fortitude and unselfishness among the main characters. It is through such acts that the characters are brought out as humane and heroic. The essay clearly describes the acts of heroism and humanity in reflection on the novel. In spite of the high rates of racial division in the book setting, Atticus Finch overlooks all these and agrees to defend a black man in court. Typically, if a black man was accused of any offense in a court of law, the lawyer that was assigned to them was unfair and impartial and did not attempt to defend them. Your father's passing," (pg. The acknowledging of his humane and heroic acts is further brought out when the parishioners at Calpurnia's church made Jem and Scout feel welcome when they visited their church, despite the fact that the whites were not allowed in the blacks’ church.

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The respect accorded to Atticus family is simply as a result of his acts of humanity by agreeing to defend a black man in a court of law. Throughout the novel, Atticus proves his heroic and human nature by proving his numerous abilities and bits of intelligence. He saves his whole village by shooting a dog that was infected with rabies and killing it with one shot, earning the nickname “one-shot finch”. However, he later learns that the lady was addicted to morphine and she had expressed her will to his father that she did not want to die with it. As a distraction, Jem’s father made him read to her. Through this, Atticus shows his son how to be helpful to the community and imposes a sense of humanity in him.

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He says to him that”…instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand, it is when you know you are liked before but you beg anyway and you see through no matter what…” pg. Boo Radley is heroic and human in his interaction with Atticus’ children, despite the perception that they may have about him and the resistance he faces from his family against getting close to the children. Boo’s heroic nature is also brought out in his response to the heinous treatment that his family gives him. He is isolated and treated like a physically challenged man, and the village members at one time accused him of having stabbed his father’s leg.

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Despite such treatment and the lack of emotional connection to his family members, he stands strong and embraces life without giving up, as would have been expected of him. Despite being considered a mean person, and the fact that he almost never leaves his house, he shows his human nature by trying to interact with Jem and Scout, and shows his act of kindness to them. He saves their lives, gives them gifts, loves them and is always there for them whenever they need him. This is clear since the reading done by Jem her acted as a distraction to her attention on morphine consumption. Atticus also explained that Mrs. Dubose is an example of true courage. Even though she knew she was going to die, Mrs.

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Dubose wanted to be free of her addiction. His reaction is a bit harsh but caring. Scout describes his reaction as "Jem came home and wondered where I got the gum. I finally told him that I found it in the Radley’s tree. Jem yells, 'Spit it out right now! Don’t you know you’re not supposed to even touch the trees over there? You’ll get killed if you do!' and I obeyed. " (Chapter 4). However, he later learns that the lady was addicted to morphine and she had expressed her will to his father that she did not want to die with it. As a distraction, Jem’s father made him read to her. Through this, Atticus shows his son how to be helpful to the community and imposes a sense of humanity in him.

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Scout Finch is also a courageous and daring woman who in this context can be expressed as a hero. She has the ability to incorporate herself into someone else’ shoes. A white woman accuses a black man of raping her. Since the black man needs a lawyer to defend him, Atticus is more than willing to do it. Atticus’s children are in confusion and constantly ask their father about his case. Atticus said”…. If I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature” Pg. Consequently, such people earn the respect of been considered heroes due to their unending acts of humanity. Actions of characters such as Atticus who calls for fairness among all people despite their races and defends a black person who was doomed to fail in a court of law acts as a role model to his family and also saves his community from the wrath of an ailing dog describe such acts of heroism and humanity.

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