How can Stem Cells Cure Diseases and Injuries in Humans

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Biology

Document 1

There are totipotent, pluripotent and multipotent stem cells. Totipotent stem cells can form any body cell type, as well as the formation of a whole functioning organism. Pluripotent stem cells can form any body cell type but they cannot give rise to a wholly functioning organism. Multipotent stem cells are described as differentiated i. e. Adult stem cells come from a mature tissue. For any organism, cell gets worn out and they need replacement, for example, blood, connective tissues and a number of nervous system cells (Kehat et al. For a number of years, stem cell therapy has been in existence with the most common one being the stem cell transplant (a type of bone marrow transplant), however in a limited manner. High dose chemotherapy and radiation therapy can largely destroy tissue.

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Therefore, stem cell therapy involves transplantation stem cells that make blood cells such as erythrocytes, platelets and white blood cells is performed (Nomi et al. They were cultured and partially characterized. Their ability to maintain their pluripotent nature was established. However, concerns about this characteristic have been raised, which claim that it could lead to the growth of cancer. There is, however, no current data illustrating the growth of malignant tumors, though evidence of overgrowth of cells (hyperproliferation) has been established (Nomi et al. The second source of stem cell is the Human Embryonic Germ Cells. Mesenchyme stem cells have the capability of potentially being used in clinical procedures. Currently, they are undergoing FDA approved clinical trials that will allow their use for bone and cartilage replacement. It’s difficult to produce a large number of adult stem cells as compared to the case of embryonic stem cells.

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Degenerative, chronic and acute diseases have become extremely common in the recent past. The different types of stem cells discussed above can be used in clinical practices to reduce the burden of these diseases. The main concern of the research is the source of these cells. Since ethics prohibit the use of these cells, use of adults’ stem cells is a suggested option. However embryonic cells have the greatest differentiation capacity while adult cells do not have the full capacity and potential to differentiate. Therefore, using adult stem cells will lead to reduced therapeutic effects. The ethical concern with this kind of a procedure is whether those who believe that abortion is an illegal act can really participate in such a procedure. This type of a clone will allow expression of the condition in a patient-specific way.

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This will consequently enable performance clinical trials on the animal in a quest to come up with an optimal treatment such as drug combinations, for the condition under experiment i. e. epigenetically triggered cancer. Therapeutic cloning can be used in the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes, Parkinsonism diseases, among other diseases. This is supported by the fact that genetically it’s a human being, and in the end, it will develop into a human. Other critics suggest that destruction of an embryo in the name of saving another life is the right thing to do morally. Therefore, the act of destroying embryos or fetus in the name of research is an act facing a lot of societal controversies and this makes it difficult to conduct more productive research about stem cell therapy (Schuldiner et al.

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Treatment of diseases Spinal cord injuries These usually occur as a result of Motor Car Accidents (MVA). Other causes are violence, sporting accidents or falls. Parkinsonism’s Disease Parkinsonism is a degenerative disorder of the brain caused by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. The function of dopamine is to control movement through its signals. Therefore, the condition is characterized by movement problems. Treatment majorly available is the use of drugs that can increase levels of dopamine in the brain and those that can reduce effects of acetylcholine in the body to create the necessary balance. Stem cell therapy can meet the unmet clinical needs of patients suffering from this condition. Scientists believe that these abnormal proteins may either clump together forming ‘plaque’ (amyloid beta) while others get twisted into ‘tangles’ (tau) (Atala et al.

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This area of study is however still under investigation. Researchers claim that plaques hinder communication in the brain while tangles prevent nerves from acquiring nutrients. This, therefore, means that Alzheimer’s is associated with the death of nerves. Neurons are also lost as the disease progresses. This kind of an implant could be the future for Type 1 Diabetes therapy as patients would not have to inject themselves with insulin every now and then, do they have to monitor their blood sugar levels. Moreover, there is the issue of plentiful supply. Availability of human-insulin producing cells would not be a problem. This is according to the researchers (Thomson et al. For Type 2 Diabetes, it’s the body that is unable to utilize the available insulin for its purposes. Abortion opponents, however, support this research with the notion that fertilization has not taken place in-vivo.

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Medical professionals, however, assert that stem cell research and therapy is the much-awaited method of reliving patients with painful disorders off their burden in the future. There is a great anticipation of the ability of the professionals to use the technology of stem cells to diseases and impairment that have been previously labelled incurable. Therefore, there are several reasons why utilization of embryonic stem cells is advocated for. These cells have the ability to proliferate more rapidly than the adult stem cells. Tzukerman, M. Insulin production by human embryonic stem cells. Diabetes, 50, 1691–1697. Atala, A. Cima, L. J Urol, 150, 745–747. Fuchs, J. R, Hannouche, D. Terada, S. Vacanti, J. L. Auerbach, R. Thomson, J. A. Hematopoietic colony-forming cells derived from human embryonic stem cells. Gepstein, L. Human embryonic stem cells can differentiate into myocytes with structural and functional properties of cardio myocytes.

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J Clin Invest, 108, 407– 414. Levenberg, S. Golub, J. Soker, S. Principals of neovascularization for tissue engineering. Mol Aspects Med, 23, 463– 483. Schuldiner, M. Yanuka, O. S. Waknitz, M. A. Swiergiel, J. J.

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