How Does Brand Image Affect Consumers Behavior

Document Type:Dissertation

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

Research Objective 6 The significance of the study 7 Chapter 3 7 3. Literature Review 7 3. Brand image, Customer Satisfaction, and loyalty 7 3. Branding and consumer attitude 9 3. Brand image and consumer attitude 10 3. Sampling method 21 4. Findings and Analysis 22 4. Discussion of research findings 43 4. Limitations 49 Chapter 5 50 5. Conclusion 50 References 63 Tables and Figures Figure 1: Two models of brand building through time (source: Kapferer 2008) 13 Figure 2: Hierarchy of Branding (source: Wijaya, 2011) 14 Figure 3: Conceptual Framework (Keller, 1993) 18 Figure 4: what is your gender? 24 Figure 5: which of the listed age groups do you belong? 25 Figure 6: the participant's response to their ethnic origin 26 Figure 7: house hold income range 26 Figure 8: the participant's occupations 27 Figure 9: How frequent participants purchase luxury brands 29 Figure 10: participant familiarity or unfamiliarity with luxury brands 30 Figure 11: participants using LVMH 31 Figure 12: participant’s answers on whether they had knowledge of any of the given brands marketed under LVMH brand 31 Figure 13: how the brand image impacts the decision to purchase luxury products under the LVMH brand 32 Figure 14: the LVMH brands description 34 Figure 15: consumer feelings connected to LVMH 35 Table 1: Factors that play a critical role when making decisions to purchase LVMH products 36 Figure 16; the most pronounced media that has the potential to attract consumer attention 38 Figure 17: the purpose behind the purchase of LVMH brands 40 Table 2: Respondents opinions on LVMH brand.

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Application of both primary and secondary research will be essential in pinpointing any gaps that may be in existence in the area of study, and in the event, provide the current research with a solid platform to advance sound recommendations. The differences and commonalities between the literature review and the primary research will guide the discussion and conclusion topics of the paper. A research question has been formulated towards establishing whether a brand image has any impact on consumer’s behavior. Chapter 1 Introduction The concept of a brand image refers to a purchaser's general perception of a product. The aim of any marketer is to build a positive impression of a particular brand towards ensuring the consumers' attitude remains hooked to the same. A positive brand image will always work for the benefit of the organization since it will enable customers to identify and recall the brand with ease, leading to repeat purchase behavior.

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This will increase the firm's sales volume and subsequent revenue growth. Thus, it remains critical for marketers to better employ strategies that produce unique associations to the brand and boost the customer's retention ability. Therefore, it is of a prime essence to establish whether the brand image has an impact on consumer purchasing behavior (Kanuk & Schiffman, 2013), and as such, this research will be focusing on the effect of brand image on consumer purchasing tendencies. Research Question 2. To highlight the most influencing factor impacting on consumer purchasing behavior. The significance of the study The fact that many studies have been on the subject area notwithstanding, there are some areas that have not been covered comprehensively by the previous research. Therefore, this research is conducted to; • To offer a comprehensive information regarding brand image and its effect on consumer buying behavior.

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Chapter 3 3. Literature Review 3. Consumers closely associate with brands they feel are in line with their self-concept (Zhang, 2015). The fact that consumers attach different self-concepts for various social context notwithstanding, it is critical for marketers to find a balance between consumer self-concept and brand image. Brand image mediates customer loyalty and satisfaction in the sense that customers will tend to purchase more of a product and a higher price if it fulfills the expectations. The customer’s ability to register, recall and recognize a brand is dependent on the strength of the associations they form in the mind with the brand logo, name, and symbol. According to Aaker, a customer must be aware of the existence of a brand before they form associations (Aeker, 1996). Customers exercise their loyalty when they approve a brand and this leads to repeated purchase behavior of a brand, culminating in increased sales and revenue growth for the company.

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Earlier research indicates that brand image is a critical determinant of customer loyalty. Consumers are rational, and as such, they never purchase products for the sake of it but instead they form associations and attachments in response to the efforts that a company has put to create a personal link between a brand and the customer. Therefore, customers are specific about what they want and they seek for product attributes that will full fill their needs and expectations. Such attributes may entail the products packaging, design and identity emulate. The aspect of building a brand image in consumer memory is geared towards promoting a positive attitude toward the brand, thus stimulating their actual purchasing behavior of the brand, leading to increased market share, high level of sales and development of brand equity (Zhang, 2015).

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Customers who are familiar with a brand and its characteristics are deemed to possess brand awareness, which influences their perceived risk assessment and the level of trust on the brand (Chovanova, Korshunov, & Babcanova, 2015). There exist two facets of brand awareness, that is, brand recall and brand recognition and each of them has a significant influence on the perceived risks that consumer’s hold and their purchasing decisions (Aeker, 1996). Therefore, branding elevates the customer's ability to commit to a particular brand. Therefore, different researchers understand how organizations strive to influence the mental constructs that customers have about their brand. The source that makes it possible for a brand to resonate well with a consumer should remain responsive to the needs and expectations of the consumer if at all the customer is to hold constant knowledge and perceptions about the brand.

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Brand Communication Organizations find it no mean feat to take a brand to anticipated levels. According to Kapferer(2008), there exist two routes towards developing a brand, that is, the evolvement of a brand through product development and communication that focuses on the functional benefits of a product and then on the emotional benefit that gains traction through development of non- tangible product features (Kapferer, 2008). The figure below captures the brand building model as postulated by Kapferer 2008. Intangible added values Values, missions Personality Benefits Attributes Ingredients Tangible added values Figure 1: Two models of brand building through time (source: Kapferer 2008) The initial steps of brand development encompass the build-up to product attributes, ingredients, features. In instances, where the customers form positive images and thrilling experiences about the brand they construct unique meanings and feelings, and in the event, strengthen the position of the brand in the consumer's heart and memory.

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The customers will favor the brand since the brand has good equity and it will be difficult for them to switch to another brand, and this stage is called brand loyalty. To this end, the consumers are loyal to the brand and they have a strong sense of identity with the brand, culminating to making the brand part of their life since it highly influences the perspective they have about life. They form opinions around the brand and associate the same with what they feel the brand can do for them. The spiritual happiness that they derive from the brand enables them to share and communicate the experience with other customers as they strive to welcome the newcomers to experience what they have been through (Wijaya, 2013). As Aaker (1991) asserts, customers feel more at ease to purchase commodities that are well known and famous since they consider them less risky.

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Consumers hold different perceptions about a brand and this plays a critical role as it offers marketers with an impetus to the position, differentiate and carry out a brand extension. Consumers use a brand name to differentiate a brand from another and at the same time build and associate unique meanings to the brand, this helps them to bear the brand image in the mind. According to Khale and Kim (2006), brand image serves a multiplicity of functions such as the added value of a brand, market entry, brand value to an organization just to name a few. The brand image helps an organization to extend the brand from one market to the next (Keller, 2013; Aeker, 1996) and helps to cut huge costs associated with the brand entry to new markets. The intrinsic advantage that consumers derive from a brand is referred to as a functional benefit, which further links to safety and psychological needs.

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The feeling that a consumer assumes while using a product is known as the experimental benefit. The extrinsic advantage that a consumer attains after he uses a brand is known as a symbolic benefit (Park, Jaworski, & Macinnis, 2013). The clandestine behavior of a consumer is what defines their attitude towards a brand. Therefore, the brand attitude can either be favorable or unfavorable. In the conceptual framework that has been derived as per the Keller (1993), consumer purchasing behavior is the dependent variable and the brand image elements add up as independent variables. Figure 3: Conceptual Framework (Keller, 1993) 3. Brand image elements Brand image is the sum total of all information that consumers use to identify a product or service (Wijaya, 2013). Consumers gain products knowledge through a direct experience where deduce both emotional and functional satisfaction.

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Any organization should be keen to identify the needs and expectations of consumers to be able to come up with a brand image that will appeal to the target market segment. A marketer can only establish a positive brand image if they understand the personality and character that consumers link a brand, thus enabling them to position the brand in the market. The concept of brand personality explains why it is possible for consumers to have tests and preferences over a particular brand and not the other, and yet there are no physical or functional differences between the two. There is a strong connection between brand personality and brand image and the two add up to define brand equity (Aeker, 1996). Further, there exist five dimensions that define brand personality which encompasses sophistication, sincerity, competence, and ruggedness.

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Consumers form positive feelings with a brand personality that is responsive to their self-image. The brand image acts as a shortcut through which they can evaluate the brand quality and minimize buying risks while at the same time gain experience with the brand image. The stimulus of brand image The consumer has to construct perceptions in the mind to form a brand image. There are different elements deemed stimulus to the process by which the brand image forms. According to Walters (1974), the formation of a brand image takes shape through environmental and personal elements. The environmental components of the brand image are at the disposal of the brand owner. Consumer’s perceptions of a brand image are critical since it determines whether he will buy the same product in the future.

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Marketer advance stimulus that influences consumer perceptions. The symbolic linkages between a consumer and brand image equip customers with relevant tools to enable them to distinguish a brand from another. Brand Equity Different brands have varied market dominance. Some of the existing brands are strongly embedded in the hearts of the global markets while others command a limited market share. Therefore, there is a strong link between the brand image and the cash flow of a company. An organization with a strong brand image will be in a better position to implement higher price strategies and increase market share with ease. Chapter 4 4. Methodology 4. Introduction This chapter will involve clarification of the methodology the author uses to compile this dissertation and how the author was able to critically analyze the impact of the brand image on consumer buying behavior, towards reaching a pertinent conclusion.

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The author engaged the services of www. hi5. com network to facilitate the process of sending emails to survey participants after the creation of a chain of email. This platform was the best choice since it contains people who use the internet most frequently. The dissertation will use Microsoft Excel for statistical analysis. and 33. respectively for both genders. The average age of respondents was 18-25 years comprising 64 percent of the participants The rest of the participants were 26-30 years (25. years (3. years (5. The participants were to answer a total of 18 questions that were designed to investigate the participant’s attitude and awareness of the brand image. The participants’ decision-making process was subject to demographic factors, the surrounding environment, and as such, it remains critical to discuss the biographic and demographic information of the participants.

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This approach will facilitate easy interpretation of data and provide more light on the results that the data from the survey produces. The participant’s gender Figure 4: what is your gender? Figure 4 indicates that 66. of the study respondents were male and 33. It follows that people with high-income levels consume luxury brands unlike those from low-income groups; hence it is sensible to employ income level as a criterion when defining consumption behavior. The participants were expected to indicate their average household incomes. The income levels would range from $500-$1000, 1001-$2000, 2001-$3000, $3001-$4000 and over $4000 Figure 7: house hold income range What is your average house hold income? People in some occupations posit demand for particular brands. Some occupations will demand people to associate with particular luxury brands since such products make their identity.

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People in such occupations would feel out of place to purchase lower cadre goods. Some of the respondents had never heard of the brand, with the rest having the slightest idea. Out of the 120 respondents, only 102 were aware of the LVMH brand and they answered the rest of the questions. The 102 participants who had knowledge about LVMH brand answered questions that had everything to do with their awareness of the brand as well as questions pertaining their perceptions and attitudes of the brand. The participants were requested to indicate if they used any of the LVMH brands. percent of the respondent indicated that they had an experience with some of the brands under the LVMH brand while 15 percent had not used the brand before. It is clear from the results that the respondents have varying degrees of familiarity with the luxury brands in question.

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This sets the stage for the next question that will strive to understand the impact of the brand image on consumer behavior. Therefore, the participants were requested to identify whether the brand image would influence their decision to make a purchase of an LVMH product. As captured in the literature review, (Kotler 2000) defines a brand image as a set of associations that the consumer holds in his memory for a particular brand, and as such, it can either posit a positive or negative impact on the consumer purchasing behavior. Figure 13: how the brand image impacts the decision to purchase luxury products under the LVMH brand Does the brand image influence your decision to buy any LVMH brands? Figure 11 indicates that 76% of the participants were clear on the fact that brand image influenced their decision to purchase an LVMH brand as opposed to 24 percent of the respondents stated that the brand image had no effect on their choice to purchase a brand.

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Therefore, product awareness is critical in helping the customer to make the right associations in their memory. Brand feelings, perceived benefits, and attributes dictate the responses and reactions that customers make pertaining a brand, and as such, they can be cited as the most influencing factors in making a buying decision. Further, the literature review highlights the issues of brand and brand equity, aspects that Nueno and Quelch, 1998 reiterate by alluding that consumers are always keen to seek for products that reward them with maximum benefits and that will offer optimal satisfaction to the emotional and physical needs. For example, consumers will tend to bear subjective feelings when seeking brands that satisfy needs such as social identification and self-expression. In the next question, the participants were requested to state how the given set of feelings connected to the brand the identified with.

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Putting the LVMH brands in context, which of the given aspects in the list would you value most when making purchases in comparison to other brands. Capture your ratings from the least significant to the most significant, you are at liberty to make more than one choice. Table 1: Factors that play a critical role when making decisions to purchase LVMH products Least significant Less significant Not significant Somehow significant significant Very significant Average rating 1. Premium price 4. Familiarity due to the advertisement 6. Therefore, it follows that a customer’s perception of a symbol will be highly dependent on prior experience. The results of the survey indicate that participants hold past experience as a critical factor affecting the purchasing behavior. The brand logo is related to brand equity and as such, a brand logo facilitated brand image associations.

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The LVMH brand is a symbol in itself that has a significant meaning for the participants. The respondents cited the brand logo as a factor that influenced their choice of LVHM brand over and above other luxury brands. The participants were exposed to the question; which of the media platforms given in the list will attract your consideration to purchase an LVMH brand. The list for advertisement platforms encompassed internet, television, fashion magazine, newspaper, sponsor activities, celebrity advertising and billboards. Figure 16; the most pronounced media that has the potential to attract consumer attention Which one among the given list of media channels will pin your attention towards LVHM brands? You can make more than one choice. The participants were clear on what media channel appeals to them, with 80% percent indicating that brand advertisements done through fashion magazines induce them to purchase luxury products.

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of the respondents cited the internet as an advertising channel that turns them on to make luxury brand purchases. The participants indicated that the aspect of service and promotion did little to motivate them towards making a purchase. However, majority of the participants indicate that quality is one factor that motivates them to decide on buying LVHM brand. Luxury products assume uniqueness in the sense that they are not common. This element rewards the buyers with a distinct element that guarantees them a unique identity. of the respondents indicated that, the luxury products give them a sense of pride by shaping their social image. The literature review emphasizes that brand awareness is a key determinant of brand equity. This research question had 83% of the participants agreeing that the first brand to come to their mind when luxury products were mentioned is the LVMH brand.

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The next question had its focus on the effect of logos on brand and design of the product. The results indicate that 86% of respondents agree on the brand logo having an influence on their memories while forming a brand image, and hence, it affects their purchasing behavior. The logo associated with LVHM products affords the participants a shortcut to connect with the brand. When the participants were asked to state if the people they respect and admire use LVMH products, 30% agreed. were neutral and 27% disagree with the same. In an effort to establish whether the brand image had an impact on consumer purchasing behavior, 98% of the respondents said they trusted the LVMH brands. This was an indication of the value in terms of functionality that the participants attach to the brand.

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in other words, the participants were confirming that the LVMH brand would not fail them and such confidence will make them purchase the brand time and again. Discussion of research findings The main aim of the study was to establish the effect of brand image on consumer purchasing behavior. The literature review links with the findings of the primary research, which sought to engage a luxury brand of LVMH to determine the effect of brand image on consumer purchasing behavior. The results of both literature review and primary data suggest that their factors that shape the way customers make associations in their memory. Once a customer establishes a brand image in their mind, this affects their perceptions that become an impetus to specific purchasing behavior. A well-managed brand image has a positive impact since it helps advance the understanding of elements of consumer behavior in making purchase choices and highlighting the things that are symbolic to the consumers.

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The literature review reiterates the same by postulating that, consumers see such products as less risky and with such associations in their mind, they are keen to purchase the well-known brands and not others. This is the same reason why marketers strive to have a unique brand logo and name to facilitate brand differentiation and positioning. When consumers associate a brand with value then their loyalty to such brand is high. This is because consumers are rational and once they successfully interact with a product that meets their needs and expectations they find it convenient to stick to the same, an aspect that affords respective firms an opportunity to get repeat business from the customer. Consumers associate brand high price with symbolic meaning in the sense that, they rest assured they are buying quality and as the literature review postulates, this makes customers be more than willing to purchase high priced commodities.

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The literature review captures the aspect of brand equity as the extent of associations that consumers attach to brands due to the perceived value they accrue from the same. This shapes the consumer attitudes towards the brands they believe will serve their needs. The primary research indicates the same since participants indicate they feel distinct when they associate luxury brands since they give them a sense of uniqueness. The primary research ascertains that consumers want to feel distinct in whatever they purchase and this is the brand image they have formed in the memory of luxury products. A product that is distinct allows them to stand out from the crowd. This is why the literature review emphasizes the organizations need to facilitate environmental and personal elements of a brand. The literature review also asserts the aspect of environmental and personal elements as key to stimulating brand image.

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The brand owner’s communication attitude determines the perceptions consumers hold on their products (Faircloth, Capella, & Alford, 2014). The primary research emphasizes the same as the majority of participants indicate that they feel attracted to advertisements that engage celebrities. The use of celebrities in marketing enables marketers to convince the consumer that, the brand is of the same level and status with the personality in question. The literature review indicates that a positive brand image contributes to a customer satisfaction and subsequent brand loyalty. The primary research asserts the same since the participants indicate that they support the LVMH brand over any other brand. It follows that consumer loyalty is not pegged in devoid but instead draws its impetus from the efforts that an organization makes from creating brand awareness to the point of sale.

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Therefore, marketers should ensure they create the right impression to consumers towards inducing their consumption behavior to brands. The brand image carries the message that marketers and firms want consumers to bear in their minds. A repeat purchase is an indication of positive brand associations. Further, consumers may have more than one reason why they purchase a particular brand as opposed to another, which is all dependent on the associations they have formed in their mind. The brand awareness concept is the initial point of interaction between consumers and a brand. Secondly, the knowledge consumer’s form with a brand determines whether they will continue associating with a brand or otherwise. Marketers and the firms they represent should be on the lookout for the kind of brand image they pose out of there since this will determine the nature of associations consumers form in their minds.

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The literature review gave out the most intriguing factors that influence consumer behavior and it revealed that customers do not purchase brands for the sake of it, but instead form associations in their minds that influence their decision making to purchase a brand, or otherwise. The third chapter captures the research methodology that the dissertation employs to investigate the research objectives. The research sought to apply the input of previous research and primary data to interrogate the subject area anticipated by research objective. In the primary data, the survey questionnaire was built around the research questions and this gave a platform from where to investigate psychological and personal influences on the decision to purchase. The responses of the 120 survey participants fulfilled the standards of the dissertation, and as such, the research problem of the study was answered.

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Factors such as style, quality, satisfaction, and past experience stood out as the most influencing aspects that consumers put into consideration when deciding to purchase LVMH luxury brand. Therefore, the LVMH brand can be cited as a perfect example of having a brand image on consumer behavior. The participants in this survey indicated having certain brand image regarding the luxury brand in question as captured in their attitudes and associations regarding LVMH brand, as well as their perceptions on products placed in the market under the LVMH brand. The results of the primary research indicate that the brand image that participants bear pertaining LVMH brands as a lot of associations with their brand descriptions. The survey sought to understand the associations that the participants have in their memory and some of the participants could recall positive associations with the brands under LVMH that they consider favorable.

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• Decision making is not by default but rather consumer behavior to purchase comes from a well-thought process that allows for the formation of a brand image. When consumers are able to form favorable associations of a brand in their memory, the brand benefits a great deal from customer loyalty. This highlights the need for brand owners to ensure quality for products if at all they are to achieve value innovation in the market. • Luxury brands can only succeed in the market if they improve brand equity and individuality characteristics of products to help customers form positive associations in their memory. • It emphasizes the role of differentiation as a motivation factor in consumption of luxury brands According to the findings of this research, it is important to stress that brand image is a factor that influences consumer purchasing behavior.

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A competent brand management system and relevant marketing activities facilitate the build-up to a positive brand image. There exists a multiplicity of factors that influence the way consumers form associations with a brand as evidenced by the findings of the literature review and primary research. A better understanding of how brand image affects consumer behavior will aid firms to put in place measures and actions necessary to meet the needs of potential and existing customers (Shende, 2014). The LVMH brands have proven to have created a positive brand image in the minds of the participants and this is why they were able to form associations with the brand, a trend that is worth emulating by any other brand. A brand design and scarcity of brand aspects that consumers hold dear. The broader objective of the study was to offer businesses, marketers, consumer organizations and policy marketers with a new conceptual framework from which they can build a brand image that will ultimately influence consumer behavior in different cultures across the globe and within a diverse range of products.

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In any case, the research knowledge was meant to induce questions in firm managers and marketers on whether they understand how much influence brand image has on consumption behavior. The conceptual framework employed in the study pinpoints the key aspects of a brand that influence the whole aspect of consumer behavior. • As the literature review and primary research indicate, brand image is subject to a multiplicity of factors and as such, future research should engage more variables than postulated in this study towards expanding the knowledge on the impact of the brand image on consumption behavior. This will be necessary towards ensuring marketers and business do not concentrate on a single aspect in building brand image. However, future research should aim at unveiling whether firms can achieve value innovation by achieving positive brand image alone.

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• The research did not engage the opinion of marketers to establish whether research findings are in tandem with why they think some brand images are a success than others. Therefore, future research should employ a survey for marketers and consumers and subsequent analysis of the similarities and differences. This will be critical towards finding a common ground for what holds for both groups. • Market conditions keep on changing and this means marketers should change their strategies to reflect such changes. Therefore, it would be fashionable to interrogate the aspect of whether a brand image that works in a particular culture does the same across the board. Each market is unique and it helps a great deal for marketers to understand what works for a particular market segment and not the other if success in building a positive brand image is anything to go by.

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A good case in point is McDonald venture in Chinese where the initial market entry was marred by a lot of challenges due to the introduction of a menu that was working in the US market. The literature review argued that brand image helps consumers to form a brand identity. However, the primary research did little to interrogate how the brand image help consumers to develop an identity. Most consumers are moving away from brands that fail to respect the environment. Future research must be keen to establish how brand images built on environmental consequences impact on consumer behavior. • The literature review emphasizes the impact of consumer trust on a brand image. However, it failed to explore the effect of deteriorating brand quality on brand image. Future studies should use brand quality as the moderating variable with brand image and other aspects that influence consumption used as sub-variables.

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• Future researchers should consider employing the same variables used in this study but expose participants to direct questionnaires as opposed to an online survey. This will allow the researchers to validate the respondent’s answers through asking the same question in a different way, this way impossible with the online survey hence it was difficult to validate whether the answers given by participants were correct. • The fact that customers bank on quality as a return on their money, it does not mean that they are not sensitive to price changes. Therefore, future research should seek to understand the impact of price changes on brand image and consumption behavior. This will be necessary towards establishing the limits to which customers can accommodate price increases. Therefore, it is important for one to develop a stable self-leadership.

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An effective and stable self-leadership is critical towards understanding what is expected in every situation. For instance, different teams have diverse personalities, which may lead to conflicts. This calls for a change of tactic to address this issue and ensure the project at hand does not stall. Further, increases competition in the market dictates for a change in tactic, and as such, the leader should come up with a new methodology to beat rival companies. I also plan to take leadership roles in different assignments to earn hands-on-experience on public speaking. I will let my peers take note of my weak areas that need improvement and advise me accordingly References Aeker, D. Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets. California Management, 102-120. Aggarwal, P. doi:https://doi. org/10. Chovanova, H. Korshunov, A.

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Babcanova, D. jstor. org/stable/40470049 Kanuk, L. Schiffman, L. Consumer Behavior, 10th Edition. Pearson. Marketing Management: Millennium Edition. Prentice Hall. Lassar, W. Mittal, B. Sharma, A. World Applied Sciences Journal, 23(1), 117-122. doi:10. idosi. wasj. Oliver, R. The theoretical separation of brand equity and brand value: Managerial implications for strategic planning. Journal of Brand Management, 14, 380-395. Retrieved from https://link. springer. com/article/10. Ayaz, E. The Effect of Brand Image on Consumer Behaviour: Case Study of Louiss Vuitton-Moet Hennessy. International Journal of Academic Value Studies, 1-24. Wang, J. Foosiri, P. Journal of Business and Management, 20-60. doi:10. ojbm.

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