How is pragmatism connected to progress

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Politics

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Thus, this paper elaborates more on the different questions raised by Sabato along with his best solutions and explanations. How is pragmatism connected to progress and why is the ballot initiative process, such as what we have in California, “unwelcome?” Explain. Pragmatism as a philosophical tradition which came from the United States describes the thoughts as devices for forecasting, mitigating problems, and refutes claims concerning thoughts describing reality. Generally, the concept of progress is connected to pragmatism in two significant ways. The ways include both the social and ethical progress. In an attempt to solve the redistricting issue, Sabato suggests that an increase in the size of the house will curb the problem. Consequently, there will be more competitive districts which will draw the candidates nearer to the ideological center. Offer one argument from Sabato for creating term limits for members of Congress and one argument for opposing term limits According to Sabato, the creation or development of term limits for the members of the Congress would bring forth new ideas.

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In the United States, the president serves for two terms while the members of the Congress have no limit. Sabato argues that the election of the same people to the house would only result in the same debates that have been held over the years. Consequently, when the economy deteriorates, people’s standard of living declines too. This will result in the federal government borrowing more and more until investors are unwilling to purchase bonds which will lead to the economy collapsing. Why does Sabato bring up the issue of quorum in the Congress and why does he ultimately turn to temporary appointments in the event of massive losses of members of Congress? Explain. Sabato is concerned with the quorum mainly because of the trouble it faces before coming into a consensus especially where the members of the Congress are no longer present.

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To ensure that business continues to run, as usual, he believes that there should be temporary appointments before another quorum can be formed. During this time, the members of Congress would be required to give their approval or rejection which would see the American troops withdrawn. Sabato advocating for the line-item veto, Sabato alludes that it provides the president with the powers to perform what forty-three out of fifty governors of states can achieve. Why does Sabato disdain the current “quadrennial orgy” and what does he propose instead? Explain. Sabato argues that the current quadrennial orgy is not good since it is based on two main parties and even the weakest in the party can take the white house position at ease. Therefore, he proposes continuity or change as the key since the American citizens will always go for the party which was not in power when heading in the next elections.

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Therefore, it is important since it enables people to find their true career paths. One major drawback is that if a person lacks employment after the service, he or she cannot be listed as an unemployed individual through the state. Working at AmeriCorps is regarded as a year of service and thus is viewed as a voluntary job and not an actual one.

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