How logistics work within the supply chain of cotton skirts
The significant step used by a firm to create a final product is the supply chain of that company. The supply chain of cotton skirts involves the design stage, production of the material, clothing production, and distribution and retail. The final step in the supply chain of cotton skirts is the consumer phase. Logistics in the cotton supply chain describe plans, implementations, and controls that are effective from the origin of the commodity to the point of consumption. Cotton skirts supply chain entails many individuals and many processes at varying levels. The considered design is vital to be used in every clothing phase because of its ability to contemplate (Buurman, p 66). Designers at this stage are keen to consider the impacts of the materials as well as the production and how the consumers use the commodities.
Cotton products have been embracing the cradle to cradle design framework, an aspect that is responsible and ensures that the material is useful in more than one cycle (LeCavalier, Jesse, 33). The two most essential periods currently covered by cotton is the biological and industrial cycles. Production of the material This is the second stage in the supply chain of cotton skirt clothes. The final products of cotton skirts are transported, but the process causes significant pollution (Kumar, Sameer & Sarah Craig, 200). Pollution is caused by the release of carbon emission during distribution. Firms and textile brands have the duty of minimizing and addressing such forms of air pollution. The consumer phase In the final stage of the cotton skirts supply chain, the consumers use the garments and further entails laundering of the cloth leading to termination of the product use.
Environmental impacts from the garments reveal themselves during laundering (Hackius, Niels & Moritz Petersen, 40). Every supply chain intends to ensure effective coordination of resources that leads to costs savings. Reduction of values leads to the magnification of the safety stocks in addition to cost based on varying frameworks. It reduces significant problems such as uncoordinated sharing and planning of data within the supply chain. Secondly, the other objective is the optimization of transport and logistics. Every supply chain aims at addressing any issues related to transportation, not forgetting the existing logistics. Such a cooperative practice leads to optimization of the distribution systems among various companies. According to Freud, 2018, Organic Apparel Company showed a lot of recovery in 2018 due to sufficient packaging and quality performance of clothes (Hellström & Saghir, 198). Organic Apparel packs approximately 400 clothes of varying colors and up to five sizes in all clothing products.
a good relationship between suppliers, manufacturers and consumers and the use of technology in the company enhances quality performance. Making products available to meet the needs of the customers is also a paramount objective in the supply chain. Through its collaborative supply chain, it is easier for the retailers to communicate the product feedback to the organizations as well as to other partners in the chain (Meaney, Shealeen, pp 350). Meaney, 2016 notes that San warehousing was the best among the clothing companies in America. Sans produced 150 to 250 clothes per style and color in 2016. Sans, 2018, literature suggests that, through the retailer's feedback, it will be possible for the suppliers to focus on improving the quality of the products to meet the demands of the customers (Ganeshan, Ram, 350). Improvements of the products quality and delivery methods lead to appreciation among the consumers because of the value that it will have amongst them.
Developing customer service evaluations in every company is critical to determine how to meet their needs and demands (Cooper, 12). Improving the telecommunications networks, SME helps in ensuring the professionals will carry out structured interviews that will focus on improving the services provided to every customer. Intellectual capital management and the motivation of humans are vital factors for the success of every supply chain management. Customers, on several occasions, are a unique factor that needs to be appreciated within the telecommunications market (Ray et al. The supply chain administration involved in service quality and the use of telecommunications as well as the corporate customers is essential in any supply chain to achieve desired objectives by performing effectively. Productivity is an imperative target in the store network of each association. So as to oversee transportation, stock, and coordination of each association and decrease the costs that are experienced, there must be an active production network.
Quality improvement of merchandise and ventures is the other target of the inventory network the executives and is upheld by the current coordination in the market. An individual and his store network accomplices frequently work in offering the customers with the best an incentive with the point of improving the nature of administration arrangement. Items accessibility so as to address the issues of the clients is likewise a vital goal in the inventory network. Buurman, J. Supply chain logistics management. McGraw-Hill, 2016. Christopher, Martin. Logistics & supply chain management. Ganeshan, Ram. Managing supply chain inventories: A multiple retailer, one warehouse, multiple supplier model. International Journal of Production Economics 59. Goworek, Helen. Social and environmental sustainability in the clothing industry: a case study of a fair trade retailer. Dell, Inc. s closed loop supply chain for computer assembly plants.
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