Human cloning research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Biology

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As this matter is caused, there are many science fictions dealing with human cloning such as movie Island. Though many nations across the globe have outlawed, some scientist still embraces and encourage cloning and genetic engineering. The ethical concerns arise because it overshadows the natural reproduction of human cells and tissues. The most common human cloning is of two types, reproductive and therapeutic cloning, the reproductive cloning is the most debated human cloning. This paper will look into what could, what might and what should be done with regard to applying human cloning to the human being. The process took some years before the mammalian embryos like dolly become successful (Häyry, 21). Cloning Ethical Issues Dolly is the famous and controversial mammalian born through cloning technology.

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The sheep was the first to be reproduce through cloning process and was breakthrough to cloning researchers, who had attempt several times without success. Dolly were created through emplacement of scientific technique and technology known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. The approach utilized DNA from the nucleus of an ordinary cell acquired from the body of an animal and transfer to enucleated oocyte of another animal. Dignity can be considered to be extrinsic and intrinsic perspective. The extrinsic human dignity revolves around the individual dignity due to their own feelings of self-worth, autonomous to decision making and ability to meet their responsibility. On the other hand, extrinsic human dignity involves the collective and manner in which an individual respect fellow human beings and are entitled to from external harm to their own dignity.

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Human dignity is well dining in UN universal rights and liberties, since the second world war, human dignity has been considered the founding principle of other rights and liberties. the war led to abuse of human beings that attributed to loss of human dignity. The perspective is that clones will desire of an individual to continue their own life in some from cloned offspring. In addition, identify of everyone is well drawn from life experience, relationships and education and human clones will condemn to live in biological parent rather than those born by natural means (Lavi, 89). After the declaration Universal human rights prohibited the reduction of individual to genetic characteristics. Though some people would have liked the to replace their dead children, however the children through cloning will not be identical to them.

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in additional, the used of cloning as mean a lot of social structures changes will be noted in the society. these children will be genetically linked to their parents through the human body cells. but the ethical issue in such considerations is that such parents will breach their parental human rights, which as individual has the capacity to reproduce (Glannon,21). Another ethical issue with human cloning technology is considered to have potential harm on the genepool. Evolution relies on the continuity of matching and mixing of genes to keep the gene pool alive from one generation to another (Glannon,21). The main principle is that reproduction promotes genic variability throughout the combined favorable mutations at different gene loci. According to biologist Henry (Glannon,21), argued that excluding the religion belief, legality and morality, human cloning would have transgressed all the experiment that ever include humans.

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The approach has no perfect connections animals and for women concern as well as children whom will be born in such technology rather will involve a lot of abortions and developmental anomalies. This actually be blocking ground for human cloning because it does not rely of any religious norm or values as well as legal framework. Finally, human clones will be stigmatized, because they will be perceived as mere copies, thus sub-human. Human beings are very different creature in the world, with high think capacity, therefore, making identity would not change the course of human being by reducing his or her genome as well status in the earth. In United states, there were two repots compiled by US president’s council on Bioethics in 2002 and the other were compiled by National Bioethics Advisory commission, which discus the fallacy and facts revolve around the human cloning technology.

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However, unlike various international reports, the United reports did not connect human cloning to any serious human dignity breach rather relation to human autonomy. In President’s council advisory on Bioethics reports noted that “cloned individual’s perception of significance of precedent life and the way that perception cramps and limits the sense and independence”. This is due to the psychological harm that is associated to the cloned individual rather than the technology (Langlois, 191). Conclusion Moreover, amongst the argument that were raised against were the concern of less human respect that human cloning for individual due to the fact the feeling that technology will replace human responsibility. Furthermore, though a number of countries including the US have ban human cloning, some scientist considered to contravene the constitution in terms right of privacy and proactive liberty as well as scientific inquiry, which may lead to acceptance in the near future.

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The ban was due to a recommendation from the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, which reported that human clones is not safe to human health and have unacceptable risks. Therefore, an individual born in a unique way will lead to total discrimination from society. for instance, if we human beings born through natural process but having different background, sexual orientation, or race have discriminated each other, what about those born from technology developed by fellow man? All these ethical issues prohibiting reproductive human cloning are all relatively and numerous heterogeneous and are readily fit together. References Glannon, Walter. " Palgrave communications 3 (2017): 17019. Rivron, Nicolas, et al. "Debate ethics of embryo models from stem cells. Lavi, Shai. "Cloning International Law: The Science and Science Fiction of Human Cloning and Stem-Cell Patenting.

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