Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Economics
The Chinese policies in the past would not have contributed to growth in any form because people did not have broader ideas on how to run businesses and other activities such as farming in a way that would increase their income. However, after the government of China embraced the economic reforms in the world, the economy has continued on a rising trend because market reforms have facilitated business success and expansion into foreign countries. China falls under the world's fastest growing economies and has experienced an increase in their GDP reaching 9. in 2017. The growth in the Chinese economy has made it possible for the nation to double its GDP in the last eight years. The primary sector that contributed to the nation's economy was farming. Most of the Chinese people engaged in different farming activities so that they could earn a living through proper distribution in the market.
Some of the other economic activities that contributed to the country's growth in the economy included mining and manufacturing as well as the service industry. It was impossible for these sectors to grow to their potential because there was not adequate skills and expertise that would facilitate success. The rise of the Chinese irrigation system China had the oldest irrigation system in the world because no other country had implemented this method of farming. This was done before the invention of gunpowder and other explosives that many engineers use when making tunnels and channels. Li Bing used a solution by using fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they gave in to the pressure and cracked. The engineers of the time took 8 years to complete building a 20 meters wide channel through the Mount Yulei.
The completion of the project brought more success to the people of Sichuan because they could comfortable get involved in farming and other economic activities that led to growth. The region remains one of the most productive parts in China and the system is recognized as the ‘Treasure of Sichuan. The Chinese government recognized the irrigation system as one that had solved many challenges and provided more opportunities to the Chinese community on growing its economy and developing better skills and strategies that would contribute to long-term success. China is one of the populous countries in the world which means that it has to implement all measures necessary to make food available for all. The challenges of food security that faced the nation facilitated the development of the irrigation system. After this system was developed, many more came into place following the technology and knowledge applied in the first one.
The country has only 10% of its land being arable which means that feeding 1. The use of the irrigation systems has also enabled the Chinese economy to grow from the diversification of farming activities. the mega-projects funded by the government have facilitated the growth of the Chinese economy. More developed technology is also applied in making the agricultural activities successful and the advances in industrialization have facilitated an increase in production. The use of the irrigation systems has also encouraged most of the Chinese people in rural areas to engage in agribusiness thus overcoming the problem of poverty. Diversification has enabled different groups of people to participate in making China grow economically and at a rapid speed. Some of the main crops grown through irrigation include grains such as rice and cotton.
These have facilitated trade between China and other nations and this has a major contribution to economic development. Agricultural revolution in China remains one of the reasons why the country has succeeded in growing its economy. Agriculture has gone through rapid development through the use of technology and farming resources that improve both quality and quantity. The irrigation systems in China have encouraged the development of more cities in the country. The collaborative energy between the administration and the citizens made it possible to have a developed nation with a stable economy. The Chinese people also got exposed to the changing needs in the market and used the opportunity to develop their economy. The people of China stuck to their staple foods but changes in demand have become common today. For example, there is more demand for meats and fruits.
This is an opportunity for the agricultural sector because farmers can diversify and ensure that they meet the demands in the market. Access to market by the farmers in Chinese is an opportunity for them to change their living standards because they can earn more income. The investment in conventional agricultural technology has encouraged China in developing its economy through agricultural activities. Improvement in transportation and infrastructure has originated from the need to increase sales in the market thus profits for the farmers. The Chinese irrigation system has played the most important role in establishing a productive agronomic nation. An increase in the percentage of irrigated land is a clear indicator that there is sustainability in the farming systems and in food production. This is because people have embraced new changes in the market to make their country better regarding productivity.
The irrigation system in China opened a platform of making more economic changes that have facilitated its rise in the global economy. The application of changes in the Chinese economy also opened room for better strategies of involvement in the market. The irrigation system encouraged the introduction of industries that have also contributed to the growth of the country's economy. Through government and citizen's participation, China has shown an improved performance and despite its high population, the country has sustainability and an economy that has a promising future. Cambridge (Massachusetts): The Mit Press. Burnham, Morey, Zhao Ma, and Delan Zhu. The human dimensions of water saving irrigation: lessons learned from Chinese smallholder farmers. Agriculture and Human Values32, no. Justin Yifu Lin. Routledge, 2015. Winans, Kiara, Alissa Kendall, and Hui Deng. The history and current applications of the circular economy concept.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68 (2017): 825-833.
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