Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Physics

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However, these groups of Asian-Americans still face numerous challenges in the American education system thus making these students find school unexciting, feel excluded and unwelcomed (Gay, N. P). Furthermore, lack of both moral and financial support in special education, underrepresentation of the Asian-Americans in the American's education system also acts as a barrier to numerous multicultural students particularly the Asian-American students in accessing equitable education. The failure of the American education sector to develop a curriculum that can accommodate many ethnically diverse students in the country's education system makes the American's education system to be unfavorable to a considerable number of non-American students. Friendly and engaging education situation makes students to be more interested than those which occurs in a strange and unfriendly environment (Gay, N. There are numerous opportunities in multicultural education system that originate from the integration of content in the subjects such as appreciation of other ethnic group culture.

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However, most of the school practitioners easily mistake content integration in the education system and therefore the whole dimension is viewed as irrelevant (Banks, 54-63). Knowledge construction The multicultural education system does not only offer students with an opportunity to infuse cultural contents in a classroom setting but also it acts as an avenue of changing the structure of a school learning experience. Furthermore, this dimension of multicultural education system helps teachers and students to interact with knowledge thereby becoming knowledge producers rather than knowledge consumers hence limiting irrelevant learning experiences in school. Prejudice reduction According to Banks (2015), prejudice reduction as a multicultural education dimension that aims at assisting students to develop a welcoming demographical as well as ethnic attitude. P). Multicultural education closes and eliminates the diverse cultural gap that exists in the education system (Gay, N.

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P). For instance, the Asian-American culture is significantly diverse from the native American culture in that, most of the American education system encourages active student participation in the education system (Spring, N. P) while the Asian American education culture which is common among the Asian American students promotes lecturing and little student-teacher interaction. Majority of Asian-American students continue to experience these challenge in their daily learning due to lack of culturally diversified teaching approaches that can accommodate them. This makes them feel excluded and less involved in the education system thereby increasing the possibilities of dropping out of school as well as a failure among the majority of Asian-Americans. Regardless of these challenges involved in the process of addressing the escalating problems of a poor education system in the United States, both the federal and the state government continues to initiate new measures that are aimed at reducing the effects of the poor education system.

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Currently, the government is putting more efforts to stress for-profit education as well as encouraging uncontrolled market competition among learning institutions. In addition, there is also a discussion on the modern educational proposal that is aimed at accommodating Asian American student's cultural heritage to make them part of the American’s education system (Spring, N. Majority of the current teachers in the US schools require extra training to accommodate Asian-American students who are unable to fit in the current education system (Sleeter, et al. The challenge of bilingual language, poor support as well as curriculum development is not new among the majority of Asian-Americans in the US education system. Majority of the victims of the insufficient support are the Asian-American ethnic group which historically has never or has restricted engagement in scholarships thus being victims of educational equality.

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However, a small percentage of Asian-American students from transnational backgrounds are normally privileged to access support in their education. Regardless of the challenges that face the majority of low-status Asian-American students, the small group of the privileged Asian American families who push for the success of their children has led to the stereotyping and generalizing of Asian-Americans as able and therefore little attention is given to this group. This dimension helps teachers in re-evaluating themselves as well as discovering who they are hence having the capacity to eliminate any bias that may discourage a multicultural education system. Under this dimension, teachers as the key drivers of a culturally responsive education system should resolve all the negative feelings towards either Asian-American culture, language or student's socioeconomic status. Once the teachers are capable of getting rid of all these problems, they have a high possibility of creating a learning environment that accommodates all the students hence facilitating achievement as well as the accomplishment of students goals and objectives (Richards, et al.

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Personal dimension is a key instrument that helps in the exploration of teachers thereby establishing a culturally responsive education among the majority of teachers. The capability of teachers in exploring their previous experiences as well as their personal history helps in understanding other people cultural behavior as well as their culture. If the instructional tools used by the teacher in a classroom does not accommodate the other student's cultural heritage, the students will be denied an equivalent opportunity to learn (Richards, et al. The United States is a nation with multiple cultures, however, most of the students are uncomfortable with the US education system. Establishing a culturally responsive education system that will accommodate the diverse Asian American cultural heritage is the best recommendation. Even though some of the most notable measures that were initially initiated to address this problem did not give any favorable results, new strategies which involve educating teachers on how to engage the whole class through the use of culturally responsive styles should be carefully applied for the success of the approach.

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Conclusion There is unfairness in the American education system, particularly that targets Asia American students among other minority groups learning in the United States schools. Multicultural education, school reform, and educational equality. Opening the doors to opportunity for all: Setting a research agenda for the future (2015): 54-63. Banks, James A. Cultural diversity and education. Routledge, 2015. Teachers College Press, 2010 Richards, Heraldo V. Ayanna F. Brown, and Timothy B. Forde. Addressing diversity in schools: Culturally responsive pedagogy. American education. Routledge, 2017.

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