Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Physics

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It brings an understanding of how the universe operates with the main focus being on its building blocks and how matter and energy affect these building blocks. Cosmology can be further be defined as the field of study that unifies natural science, particularly astronomy and physics to bring forth a unified understanding of the Universe a whole mass. Astronomy is a science that involves the study of all extraterrestrial objects and phenomenon. It tries to focus on laws of motion and gravity primarily predicting positions of the sun, moon, and planets among other attributes to understand physical sciences. It explains how objects of the universe behave after being exposed to heat. This is the main controversy between the universe and the multiverse. Infinite Universes Scientists are yet to know the real shape of the space-time.

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They have instead made an assumption that they the shape is flat. The research says that space has infinite stretch. It is assumed that the space-time starts repeating itself when it goes forever. The other world which is still inflating will have bubble just like ours. The research says that the laws of physics in different bubble universes may not be the same. Parallel universes This is another idea drawing its idea from string theory. The notion behind this theory is that of the Braneworld3. Steinhardt and Neil Turok propose this. Max Tegmark says that mathematical structure is entirely out of human baggage. The latter believes that there are other universes beyond all what we see. Black hole A black hole is defined as the place in the space where the gravitational forces are so high that nothing can escape, not even the radiation.

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Black holes are formed as results of bubble multiverse. During inflation, vacuum bubbles may be found nucleated. The latter urges that the black holes are a black body with no light. Black holes are of three types. These types include; supermassive black holes, intermediate black holes, and stellar black holes. Stellar black holes These area black holes formed when a massive star which is more than three times the sun compresses. The latter type of the black holes is incredibly denser and relatively small. Astronomers spotted the intermediate black holes in the year 2014 in a spiral galaxy. However, one of the great astronomers by the name tom Roberts said that there is a clue that central black holes do exist, but they get lost for long that nobody is interested in them.

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Theory of the black holes Black holes are said to be incredibly massive, but they cover the small region. This is because of its gravitational force. Black holes have an extreme gravitational force that pulls its material together making it occupy the small region. The results of this are the decaying of the black holes since its horizon lost weight. Interesting facts about black holes • If you happen to fall into the black hole, it is said that the gravitational force will stretch you like spaghetti, but you will die before reaching the singularity layer. The research conducted in 2012 adjusts that the event horizon will be acting like fire to consume the body. • Star can be torn apart when it passes too close to the black hole • Scientists say that there is around billions of money of stellar black holes each having mass three times more than the sun.

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• The first thing to be said to be a black hole is Cygnus X-1 rockets which were carrying Geiger where the eight new x rays were discovered. In the year 2014, he proposed his theory by saying that “there are no black holes” in his opinion he stated that there is apparent horizon instead of the event horizon. His approach remains controversial up to date. He also said that there are no boundaries in-universe even though the planets are finite such that one can travel around it. SECTION TWO While approaching his death, hawking published that black holes could be an entrance to a parallel universe. Hawking urges that black holes are not as dark as though by the people but and this could be an entrance to another cosmos. Simply this means that in case human being falls on it he or she may remain a “hologram” or fall at an unknown point.

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The current research says that the existence of the black hole can be indicated by its interaction with electromagnetic radiation in the form of visible light. It is said that when the matter is dropped into the black holes, it forms a disk that is heated by friction. Eventually, this matter builds the brightest object in the universe. The orbits of the starts moving closer to the black holes could also be used to make a mark the position of the black holes. The approach puts embassy on the days of hawking’s collapse and his relationship with Jane who was his wife. The book goes ahead and explains the hawking illness affected his relationship with Jane. The story I wrote and short by hawking and his with. It starts at their early life all the way to current times.

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It is noted that hawking collapsed at a point while shooting the film. This also means that there is no multiverse SECTION FOUR Holographic boundary multiverse applies the principle of string theories and some properties of quantum gravity. The law of the holographic boundary multiverse states that the volume of the space is thought to be in the lower dimensional boundary stretching all the way to the gravitational horizon. The holographic boundary multiverse was developed from theories supporting the existence of the black holes. The information of something that has fallen in the black hole may be left on its service. The holographic principle applies the knowledge of string theory to come up with the solution to the black hole paradox. The scientific support to the theory of the string is by use of the two major wonders of the universe which includes the dark energy and dark matter.

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Dark matter is commonly used. Dark matter appears as the photino looking super-symmetrical particles. Axion is another dark matter that is used in the quantum chromodynamics to conserve specific symmetric relationship despite that fact that it was developed outside the string theory Conclusion From the study, it can be concluding that multiverse results to the formation of the black hole. Several scientists and scholars have tried to prove the existence of a multiverse. Nojiri, Sh, S. D. Odintsov, and V. K. Oikonomou. Das, Suruj Jyoti, and Shubho Ranjan Roy. Holographic Computational Complexity as a measure for the Multiverse. PhD diss. Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, 2018. Albrecht, Andreas, and Paul J.

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