Impacts Of Social Media essay

Document Type:Proofreading Editing

Subject Area:Media

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These sites allow individuals to develop biographical profiles, perform research, advertise their products, communicate with family and friends, share photos, music, thoughts, and links. However, social media sites, just like other significant technological advancements, generate the debate on the negative and positive influences they impose to the communication sphere and the entire society. In the relatively short period, they have existed, social media platforms have resulted in several positive impacts regarding connecting and empowering people. At the same time, these sites have offered people with new platforms to allow some destructive and unhealthy behaviors. Thus, it is the primary purpose of the current paper to evaluate the background information on how social media has affected the America teens with keen interest to the cons of social media. The gathered information will then be used to infer about the impact of social media sites to the general American youths.

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To start with, studies have found out that social media platforms allow the spread of unreliable and false information commonly known as propaganda. Even though the majority of the social media users perceive that all information on social media sites is accurate, the majority of these messages are manipulated to mislead the viewers with the aim of gaining the public acquiescence for the political, economic, social and religious advantages (Howard, Kollanyi, Bradshaw, & Neudert, 2018). This is evident on the several occasions where purposeful publicity is effectively spread to criticize, celebrities, peers, politicians and their ideologies, and every concerned user. Unlike the early modes of communication such as the print media where reporting was one way of maintaining a public eye against some practices, the spread of propaganda via online platforms tend to harm many while serving the few especially the senders of this information.

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However, the problem was not Facebook instead it was its users who ironically hate political ideologies online while embracing the same doctrines in real life. Similarly, Snapchat is one of the websites that enhance the breach of privacy. This online social platform presents the user with an opportunity to share pictures in a concise period. Despite existing for several years, Snapchat has demonstrated that it is untrustworthy since there have been colossal on the obscenity materials shared through this site (Coughlin, 2018). This is evident in the instances where people spy Snapchat contents without the consent of the involved parties by the use of a third party application commonly known as imprisoning broken application. It was not a coincidence that the group was demonstrating against the bigotry while the person who hit them was a neo-Nazis who was exceptionally supremacist (Sampathkumar, 2017).

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Perhaps, the neo-Nazis had known about the demonstration through social media since the campaign was greatly influenced by the opportunities bestowed by the social media platforms. Generally, social media platforms have unique advantages and cons in the way they affect the lives of teenagers. These websites have helped individuals to share messages, images, audios, videos, and other contents swiftly and efficiently. At the same time, they have resulted in adverse outcomes such as complication of privacies, cyberbullying and other cybercrimes. com/watch?v=bHzUpedTiQM Coughlin, J. F. Digital Breadcrumbs: A Lack of Data Privacy and What People Are Doing About It. Howard, P. N. co. uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/charlottesville-protesters-unite-right-rally-vehicle-injuries-a7890396. html Weinstein, E. The social media see-saw: Positive and negative influences on adolescents’ affective well-being.  New Media & Society, 1461444818755634.

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