Individual case study analysis the amazon

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

First, business organizations are restructuring in preparation for digital transformation. This preparation involves adopting new technologies through redesigning their basic processes around consumer experience and reorganizing its operations to align with the emerging technologies. Since the beginning of this year, most of the firms such as Amazon have abandoned their ‘technology first’ philosophy and began embracing a ‘customer first’ philosophy. The second trend is IoT (Internet of Things) which helps in delivering return on investment. Research shows that business organizations that record improvement in financial performance tend to capitalize on data and make use of IoT at different processes within its value chain. This section describes some of the benefits and limitations associated with the management of digital business. Advantages Research shows that most of the investors face a lot of challenges in managing their businesses using conventional means.

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However, the emerging digital technology helps in streamlining such business processes, resulting in improved business performance. Also, since it involves smaller, versatile, faster and lighter gadgets, managing digital business becomes easier because all the organizational information can be locally stored and remotely accessed whenever the need arises. Also, it helps in monitoring all the operations because the technology allows the interconnection of all the enterprise systems, promoting centralization of management (Parviainen, Tihinen, Kääriäinen, & Teppola, 2017). As a result of this, some customers may decide to go for brands that have physical touch, making it difficult for a firm to convince them to remain loyal to their brand. Importance of technology and increased focus on AI and machine learning to support focus on customer Machine learning and AI are scientific terms that have become common trends in digital business today.

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Artificial intelligence is a way of training computers to ensure that can mimic the activities of a human being. On the other hand, machine learning is a situation whereby a machine can learn things on its own without explicit programming (Daitan Group, 2017). It is the application of artificial intelligence that makes a system to learn things automatically. This is done by conducting a SWOT analysis. In terms of strengths, the company has formed a lot of partnerships with other firms such as Toy retailers, ‘Merchants@’ program and many more which helps it in making a strong customer base in different parts of the world. Another strength is its data-driven automation which helps in "managing the way content is displayed to different user types such as new releases and top-sellers, merchandising and recommendation (showing related products and promotions) and also advertising through paid search (automatic ad generation and bidding)" (Round, 2004).

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Also, the firm benefits from optimization and automated email system which helps in reaching a lot of customers within a short period. The process of automating its services improves the consumer experience, making them prefer its products more compared to the competitors. Lastly, the firm can improve on its culture and metrics by focusing much on customers, allowing for feisty debates and weeding out consumer turn-offs. This will help in improving the consumer experience. Lastly, Amazon faces threats from its competitors and entrants of new firms in the digital market. Currently, the firm is facing a lot of competition from offline and offline producers, manufacturers, distributors, vendors, retailers, and publishers who offer products are competitive prices. It also faces threats from website search engines, online applications, website portals, social networks and shopping websites which provide almost the same products.

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This is a new online store that does not need a checkout. It is a "Just Walk Out Shopping experience” which allows its customers to enter, choose their preferred products and go within a shorter period without checking out. This store makes use of a combination of sensor fusion, algorithms, deep learning and computer vision, which are among the emerging technologies in digital business. The customers use this application in entering the store and later pick what they need from the shelves and the items are automatically added to virtual shopping carts and if a customer takes the items back to the shelf are removed automatically. Once a customer is through with shopping, their products are scanned automatically and paid via their amazon accounts and later receipts are transmitted to their smartphones.

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Question Four: Impact of partnerships that Amazon had acquired since its inception Amazon Company has been forming partnerships with different firms and investors with some of them becoming successful while others failing after a series of attempts. For instance, Marcus (2004) says that the company once formed a partnership with “Drugstore. com (pharmacy), Living. com (furniture), Pets. com (pet supplies), Wineshopper. Amazon benefits a lot from its syndicated store programme which is used by different firms in marketing their products online. Some of its stores operating in different countries such as Waterstones in the United Kingdom tend to face a lot of competition. However, if instead of closing down the store, Amazon entered into a partnership with other firms whereby it distributes products online and gets a commission in return (Chaffey, 2015). Also, another book retailer in the US uses its platform in distributing products to the consumers and pays some commission to the company for using its website.

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These partnerships are instrumental to Amazon because they help in accessing customer-base of these suppliers and attracting customers to buy other products it offers apart from books. In terms of process, e-commerce entails ordering products online and processing for various products depending on the required. On the other hand, digital business involves different business processes such as initial ordering via the internet, management of supply chain, and management of the consumer-business relationship. Lastly, e-commerce is part of digital business while digital business a superset. E-Commerce principles and their application to digital business Ecommerce is characterized by five principles: dissemination of information, data capturing, promotion and marketing as well as transacting with stakeholders. In terms of disseminating information, e-commerce helps in publishing relevant information and it is used in crisis mode. ECommerce and e-business.

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Retrieved 12 November 2019, from https://www. uop. edu. jo/download/research/members/eprimer-ecom. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www. sec. gov/Archives/edgar/data/1018724/000119312519103013/d727605dex991. htm Bueno, B. Balestrin, A. daitan. com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Daitan_Whitepaper_Smarter_Contact_Centers_Powered_By_AI. pdf Gibson, S. Top digital business trends in 2019. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www.  Customer Needs and Solutions, 2(3), 193–208. Marcus, J.  Amazonia: Five Years at the Epienter of the Dot. com Juggernaut. New York, NY: The New Press. rege. Parviainen, P. Tihinen, M. Kääriäinen, J. Teppola, S. Shafer, S.  M. Smith, H.  J. Linder, J. doi:10. j. technovation. Zott, C.  Amit, R.

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