International relations and Morals
In a nutshell, international relations is the spine of the existence of most states. It is therefore essential for countries to consider morality while dealing with each other and especially when a more advanced nation is dealing with less advanced ones. At the same time, it is worth indicating that countries in the 21st century are based not only on how good their leadership are, but also on the international relation’s front (Hollis & Steve). This include factors such as how open and welcoming these nations are to other countries for trade within themselves. Thesis Statement The international relation is one of the critical factors behind the economic growth in the contemporary times. It is essential to understand how nations relate to each other and how ethics plays a vital role in such relations.
Global peace is only possible if there are good relationships between the key players and in this case, ethics must come into play (Cox & Edward). A person who is good in international relations matters must understand how morals dictate the existence of peaceful coexistence between countries. In the 21st century, the main worry that has been discussed on various platforms like the United Nations is on nuclear weapons (Cox & Edward). Several nations especially those in the Middle East and other in Europe like North Korea, Iran among others believe they should be allowed to own nuclear weapons. E. H. Carr an early realist noted that every state have its self-interests and it is in constant search of power with the sole aim increasing their security exponentially for its citizens and at the same time remain powerful and survive in the process (Burchill, et al).
Any relationship that may develop between countries must address these two main aspects, and any instance of war or international conflicts are always based on self-interest. This means that a state will only get into a relationship with another if they feel they are gaining from the cooperation. Ethical individuals must lead a country if it is to stand out as an excellent friend to involve in international cooperation. If the leaders of a particular nation are evil, then the state would only seek to harm others. For example, will attempt to acquire nuclear weapons for use in attacking her neighbors. Such countries usually have no excellent IR with other nations and are faced with economic sanctions and other blockades in a move to stop them (RAHDAN et al 236). Currently, North Korea is one of the countries in the world that are suffering from such embargos especially from countries affiliated to the US since they are considered as troublemakers and a threat to the world peace.
H. Another theory that addresses the importance of IR and how essential ethics for it to exist is the liberalism. According to this theory, individual nations, states, and empires have good intentions and seek to have good relationships with others in a move to promote some positivity. The excellent aspect of these nations is based on morality. Ethical individuals must lead a country if it is to stand out as an excellent friend to involve in international cooperation. Indian J. Sci. Res 7. Seckinelgin, Hakan, and Hideaki Shinoda, eds. Ethics and international relations.
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