International Students Choice of Study Destination
Some minor differences are also identified in other relative factors such as the level of education, nationality and gender. The institutional branding ion the receiving end is very critical for the marketing strategies of the institution. Effective and proper branding makes a medium institution be reputed high than its factual standard an aspect that trick many international students to choose the institution. The economic and environmental factors surrounding the surround the individual student also influences him or her choice of study destination for higher education. The recruitment of international students has evolved to become a very competitive business in the marketing industry. The data given in this paper was derived from a large study involving 200 international students taking their higher education at different higher learning institutions in Malaysia the study is aimed at establish a holistic in-depth understanding of why the international students opted for higher education learning institutions in Malaysia to be their study location for their programs.
The data collection involved purposive sampling technique which involved choosing a sample that has the most comprehensive knowledge on the topic. Background to research The key terminologies in this research work includes the international study destination which is meant to mean the choice of the institution the students settles for as the best location for his or her studies outside his or her mother country. The study explores the different factors that impacts on the students study destination choice for the programs. There are several models illustrating the choice determining factors. The international students enhances the link between nations thus fortifying the diplomatic relationships and providing the communication links between the citizens from different countries (Zhang, 2011). International academic students are key contributors in different aspects of the world’s economy more especially in the fields of research, science, medicine and technology.
The Chinese students take their global mobility in the context where education internationalization is unfolding vastly and quickly (Lee, 2013). Most of the Chinese students take Korea as their favorite choice of study destination for their higher education. Their choice for Korea is informed by the four main aspect: parentocracy, feasible pragmatic choice, satisfier as border choice and romantic option enhanced by Korea waves. High quality training carries the vast aspect of international students’ satisfaction (Ryan, Dowler, Bruce, Gamage, & Morris, 2016). However the International Education Association of Australia suffers only one set back, the competitive disadvantage of lacking enough accommodation. This is as a result of fire disaster that destroys the accommodation hostels leaving large multitude of varsity students without proper accommodations (Ryan, Dowler, Bruce, Gamage, & Morris, 2016). Due to increasing mobility if the global students, the educational internationalization remains to be the core challenge facing the universities and other higher education institution across the world.
Singh, 2016). Ahmad, & Shah, (2018), revealed that there are more than four million people who take their higher studies outside their country of birth. More than two million of these originates from Asian countries with their predominant study destination choice being the Western Europe and English speaking countries (Ahmad, & Shah, 2018). In the current research, western countries have been faced with declined in the number of international students’ enrolled for their study program where by other states such as china, Singapore. Korea and Malaysia experiencing a flux of international students (Ahmad, & Shah, 2018). The student’s choice in this case is informed by quite a number of influential factors such as are access to scholarships, curriculum, facilities, quality, resources and international mobility following graduation. Another aspect like the differences in the education level, gender and nationality are also considered.
This results of this facilitates development of best strategies for promotion, marketing and recruitments and economic development both at the regional and national level (Nicholls, 2018) Gong, & Huybers, (2015) established that the process of educational quality assurance takes the maintenance of quality of product and services through either testing of samples or inspection. The quality assurance in higher education covers a wide range which host various practices planned to enhance the service quality in the institutions of higher education. Gong, & Huybers, 2015). Quality assurance cover several aspects of higher education learning setting including the equipment, institutional environment, instructional delivery quality, qualification of the instructor and the curriculum. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 10(2) Zhang, Y. The use of agents in applying to the US higher education: Experience of Chinese undergraduate students. Ryan, R. Dowler, B.
Bruce, S. Shah, M. International students’ choice to study in China: an exploratory study. Tertiary Education and Management, 1-13 Padlee, S. F. Kamaruddin, A. Beine, M. Noël, R. Ragot, L. Determinants of the international mobility of students. Economics of Education review, 41, 40-54.
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