Internship report
This is a company that offers educational advice and guidance to students who study abroad at professional levels. Studying in Australia involves a lot of investments on the part of parents and students as well. They usually need advice from families and friends regarding certain aspects and requirements for their children to study abroad. Background and scope of study Study agents’ company was created to give guidance to students, starting from the process of them applying to get admissions into higher educational institutions. The company also is mandated to help students select the best institutions that suit their needs. Under this objective too, I purposed to have the ability to single out applications and have them done on time. I wanted to form friendly reminders on essential tasks and also learn how to ensure responsiveness to the works of admission.
My second personal development objective was to learn various development opportunities in digital marketing. I purposed to achieve this through attending meetings on career development, consulting with experts in the agency and other partners. Last but not least, I intended to accomplish this through research on the current and potential opportunities in the field. The marketing internship program at Study Agents company will help me achieve this objective. My first learning objective during my internship was to learn the opportunities and challenges in the application of digital media advertisements in the real world. In digital marketing, we discovered that some opportunities and challenges come with the implementation of digital media in different activities. The digital marketing internship program in student world educational services agency will give me the chance to get involved in activities such as involvement in research and application of digital media in communicating the services of the agencies to potential international students.
The strategy that I would employ during my internship to fulfil this objective is to analyse the performance of digital media in an advertisement through monitoring the responses of the potential clients in different advertisement platforms. I got to learn that in creating the marketing contents, one needed to be creative and persuasive enough to get the attention of potential clients. During my internship at Study Agents company, I satisfactorily fulfilled my second objective of wanting to know the opportunities and the challenges that digital media has when it comes to advertising. As a digital marketer in this company, my job practically entailed managing advertisements online through various digital media where students can get to know about the information they are searching about educational institutions in Australia, and also the Australian institutions get to know about their potential clients.
Throughout my duties, I got to learn that using digital media as a form of advertisement offers opportunities such as increasing the brand visibility; it provides chances of reaching out to large numbers of people, the cost of using digital media in advertising is relatively cheap compared to other advertising methods. However, it does not lack challenges as it has a variety of options to choose on ( Nadaraja, Rubathee, and Yazdanifard 2013). However, most of the time I had to be on the website of the company to answer the questions of students (Chaffey, Dave, and Fiona 2019). However, I still had a chance of participating in different marketing management techniques through responding to visa enquiries from people all over the globe. I learnt that knowing the different marketing techniques are essential for one to know how to target their markets to get the best out of them (Ryan, 2016).
My fourth and last objective was met fully. My central location in this company as an intern was in the digital marketing sector, dealing with the management of visas, flights, accommodations among other necessities of students who want to study in Australia. I had a chance to get good colleagues who were respectful of each other and who did all they could for me to gain the necessary skills in this field. As a marketing student, I had studied a unit on digital marketing, and I got interested in it. After my internship, I believe in future; I would love to venture into this field and build my career on it. As an intern in Studies Agents company under the section of digital marketing, acting as an expert in digital marketing I had several roles and responsibilities to play.
I had the duty to build marketing on social media and execute it through a competitive search of audiences. This made me realize that digital marketing is all about having passion for what one does. My career aspirations have now changed from being a marketing manager towards majoring in digital marketing as a career and gaining more expertise. This sudden change came about because from the experience I had from my internship, I found that building a career in digital marketing will make me a creative person because each day will present its challenge forcing people to change for survival and this change can only be through creativity and innovation. Conclusion From my experience in serving as an expert in digital marketing for Studies Agent company, I have gained more value in terms of utilizing the internet to communicate.
I have learnt how to build lasting customer perceptions through the internet so that at the end, they get the value of whatever product it is that business people are presenting to the market. Chaffey, D. and Allen, R. Managing Digital Marketing in 2015. Smart Insights. Carraher, S. B2B e-marketplace: an e-marketing framework for B2B commerce. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 28(3), pp. Nadaraja, R. and Yazdanifard, R. Social media marketing: advantages and disadvantages. Kogan Page Publishers. Tuten, T. L. and Solomon, M. R.
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