Intro Travel Company Operating Structure

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

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The knowledge and intensive activities that are used in Australia’s tourism industry are going to be looked upon also. From the recent study which was conducted it did indicate that tourism contributes for 4. of Australia’s GDP and its also a very useful export industry since it accounts for 11% of the total exports in Australia. Tourism in Australia has become the most important regional economy and it has really employed many folks who were initially jobless therefore accounting for a 5. of employment in Australia. Thus, tourism has also become the major point of concern to many that who want to venture into it. Australia has many tours and travel agencies located world over and above that the tours and agencies have also contributed to the growth of economies of scale of Australia and its region.

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For this case we are going to look at the Intro travel company which is a tours and travel agency that has been in the tourism industry for a long period of time as compared to its competitors. This company has registered at least 52% in growth since its inception through making of reservation for the tourists, picking up of tourists from the airport once they arrive, providing consultancy services to the tourists who want to visit Australia and many more services. Majority of the competitors of Intro travel don’t usually offer the services that this company offers and as a result this is what has led to it growing drastically and also expanding to other countries and due to customer satisfaction, they have been rated so well and also become the top tourist travel and tours agency.

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Company leadership style Leadership styles does involve the behavioral patterns that are adapted by management when its working with its employees. Intro travel does use only one type of leadership styles and that is transformational leadership style. Peter, 2010) To start with transformational leadership, as the name suggests it does involves the transforming or changing in a manner on how things are being done in a company and thus it involves the directors, employees and other stakeholders in making changes that do help the company increase its productivity. Fletcher, Uhl-Bien & Ospina, 2012) Intro travel agency has embraced this kind of leadership in some instances like all the employees are involved in making of various decisions that has also enabled to steer the company growth. Directors and operations manager of Intro travel do always ask the other employees to give their contributions when it comes to making of key decisions of the company like for instance they do ask for recommendations and opinions of other employees before deciding on making changes.

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Through these sales of the company have been enhanced thus enabling the company to make more sales as compared to the competitors who have constant prices and are expensive even from the company rating of the in the website its very evident. Company has adjusted its prices on the services that its currently offering thus this has enabled many of the people to choose this company. The company has been able to locate areas where majority of the hotels are less expensive thus enabling it to be economical to all tourists and even the normal citizens can be able to afford to pay for the services. Hence, this is what has led to the company being chosen by many of the customers who do prefer it over others due to this.

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Company has also used differentiation as one f its strategies in that the company has developed better services as compared to its competitors. Strategies that have been adopted by the company are among the best a company is required to adopt in order to succeed in business and thus this are the strategies that Intro travel has adopted that has led to its growth. Conclusion To conclude, the tourism industry is a profitable industry and has always accounted for 4. of GDP of the country and also employed majority of Australia’s workforce therefore there is need that the government to put in more support for the industry so as to enhance its growth and development. References Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS 2016), Australian National Accounts, Tourism Satellite Accounts 2015−16, Catalogue No. ABS, Canberra.

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Transformational vs. transactional leadership theories: Evidence in literature. International Review of Management and Business Research, 2(1), 365 Peter, G. N. Leadership: Theory and Practice Tourism Research Australia, 2017c, Tourism Forecasts 2017, Tourism Research Australia, Canberra. Motor vehicle hiring 1. Travel agency and tour operator services 2. Cultural services 11. Casinos and other gambling services 0. Other sports and recreation services 5.

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