Job Search Strategies

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:English

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It, therefore, becomes an advantage for candidates who are good fits for open positions when negotiating a position since they have more leverage than they had in years, (Koen et al, 2010). Candidates seeking to find new jobs are required to use effective job search strategies that will help them find the appropriate jobs of their choice and which they qualify. Majority of job seekers only apply for jobs using online posting although, in reality, the method is not the number one choice that employers use to recruit. A good job strategy will entail a number of job search techniques and approaches such as utilizing your network. This article aims to provide detailed information about job searching strategies including the various job search techniques and approaches. After listing your skills, interests, and values try to match them with the right career choice.

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For instance, if your interest is in highly technical jobs, don’t focus on the career paths that require low technical knowledge. A research can be conducted in various fields and local companies to obtain the required information that can be helpful in making key choices. Conduct a study about the various job positions that interest you especially those that provide open chances for applications. This whole process helps to narrow down the search criteria process which saves time by helping you focus only on relevant jobs listings for review and avoid non-relevant job listings. Personal branding Many experts agree that personal branding is a key strategy to use when searching for a job in the current job market. Job seekers have to build a portfolio that will reflect how they want people to perceive them.

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It can be through starting by launching a side gig or cleaning your social media accounts or any other appropriate strategy to create your personal brand, (Harris et al, 2017). Brand yourself as an expert in your field by getting your name out there because you never know which employees will be chasing after you if you have done a good job. Search your company When searching for your next job it is required that you search for the company you want to work for and the title you are interested in. It is therefore essential that you take time to prepare for the interview. You can research the company before going for the interview. Also, have an appropriate dress code and ensure that you try to impress the interviewer with tour confidence, expertise as well as skills, (Acikgoz et al, 2018).

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Follow up after the interview for example by sending thank you notes to interviewers because it may improve your chances of getting hired. Conclusion and Recommendations The job market is becoming more competitive and searching for a job is becoming more complicated. However, you should not limit your options because your dream job might be in your dream company. When searching for jobs, always use technology such as smartphones and computers to your advantage. You can use your phone to search or apply for a job at any time or use you’re your computer to run a job description for a given job, (Acikgoz et al, 2018). Lastly, ensure you ace the job interview by efficient preparations and appropriate dressing. Follow up after the interview because it may help you increase your chances of getting the job in one way or another.

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Finding the Best Job Applicants for a Job Posting: A Comparison of Human Resources Search Strategies. In Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2017 IEEE International Conference on (pp. IEEE. Koen, J. Klehe, U. Sels, L. Identifying successful search patterns for improved job recommendation. Sugie, N. F. Work as Foraging: A Smartphone Study of Job Search and Employment after Prison.

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