Manic Depressive Bipolar Disorder case study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:English

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She also claims she was more often socializing, partying and preoccupied with sexual feelings. The worse of it, is that she felt like she was a psychic with the ability to read other people’s mind. She also experienced certain inner voices directing her to do some specific things or following some routes or even do things in some particular way. Twinkle reported that three years ago she became so stressful and depressed during her final examination period. During that time she found it difficult eating, sleeping and even worse is that she lost about twenty pounds and isolated herself socially for Eight months. This scenario may lead to a vicious cycle and thus keeping the depression to continue, even when people are active and experience elation there is the urge to see things with pride (Martino et al.

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Research depicts that the various thinking styles are often for people with an extreme mood that can be able to attract Bipolar disorder diagnosis. Moreover, evidence shows that patients found with bipolar disorder show extreme thinking styles even at the period in which patients are not experiencing high or low moods. The biological manifestation of bipolar disorder Twinkle symptoms and behaviors meet all characteristics of Bipolar disorder. For instance, during her depression she claims that sleeping was challenging, she also claims little or no appetite, and she also lost her weight and found herself socially isolated (Leibenluft, 2011). Despite the lack of any known cure, there are special treatment plans that are aimed at controlling and managing the bipolar symptoms by applying the use of medication as well as psychotherapy. Medication Medication is the most reliable treatment because they help a great deal in balancing the mood swings and reducing any associated anxiety, stress, and depression.

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Medication may include but are not limited to the use of lithium, and carbamazepine which are useful in treating bipolar disorder and help suffocate any future symptoms (Connolly & Thase, 2011). Anti-depressants are also helpful during the depressive phase. However, they have to be used appropriately in combination with mood stabilizer since applying anti-depressants alone may increase the chances of Mania to an individual with bipolar disorder. Hospitalization Hospitalization entails dealing with severe cases of bipolar disorder. Hospitalization is another unique form of treatment since it gives the patients an opportunity to work closely with the doctors who will be consistently responsible for overseeing the patients’ health while evaluating how the environment and medication affect the patient health (Connolly & Thase, 2011). A patient is supposed to be hospitalized if the bipolar symptoms have become too extreme mainly when a patient shows some signs of committing suicide.

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The patient can also be hospitalized in the case that he or she is becoming psychotic. Multicultural issues and stigma Bipolar is a widely recognized illness and exists in many geological zones of the world. Twinkle seems to be conversant with various established practices to deal with some of the pressing issues in her life by employing the use of mental health interventions. Twinkle native language is English since she is a university graduate from Kingsborough College. Thus education background shows that Twinkle has solid reading abilities that help her a great deal in comprehending the treatment measures. Academic experience varies across different cultural groups thus the understanding and interpretation of treatment concepts differ. The neighboring countries, for instance, Mexico has various regional dialects that have got distinctive as well as an oral history that plays a vital role in directing and shaping the therapeutic relationship.

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Also, religious belief might pose a concern especially concerning the type of treatment that is allowed with a region. Stigma The aspect of stigma and discrimination is always rampant with people with health disorders. However, people diagnosed with bipolar disorder risk being stigmatized. Stigma may lead to discrimination in the workplace, schools and thus retarding people’s recovery process. Unfortunately, some people might internalize their discriminatory experiences and end up hating themselves. Y. The role of the behavioral approach system (BAS) in bipolar spectrum disorders.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19(3), 189-194. Connolly, K. R. Leibenluft, E. Severe mood dysregulation, irritability, and the diagnostic boundaries of bipolar disorder in youths.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(2), 129-142. Martino, D. J. S. Kupka, R. W. Keck, J. P.

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