Social Networking Analysis

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Fraud is the greatest threat faced by banks across the globe. As a counter measure, banks have resorted to hiring anti-fraud personnel to shield customers from fraud. Their priority being prevention of fraudulent transactions from internal customers. One such case is that of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The bank utilizes a thriving technology called Social Network Analysis (SNA) aimed at curbing first-party fraud. Moreover, RBC endeavors to reduce losses, enhance customer experience, lower costs and eventually minimize the overall risks pertaining fraud. First and Third Party Fraud There are various types of fraud as well as fraud prevention tools. They include first, second, and third party types of fraud. First party fraud is where one uses his/her real identity to falsely request for credit with a target of defrauding for financial returns.

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It can also extent to include identity of their next of kin or partial identity of themselves. Therefore, social network analysis is required to gauge the social cohesion and ranking among various social groups. Issues of concern in Social Network Analysis includes anxiety. Anxiety is a condition which is an unpleasant mental uneasiness due to certain events. These cause nervousness and concern about certain situations. According to research, social media can either rise or alleviate anxiety. However, this norm might accelerate anxiety to some people. Social media users have different perceptions of what is posted on these sites hence; they are likely to give different comments. Some users worry when they post pictures. They fret about how people will look at those pictures and the comments they will receive. Some people also fear that their friends or followers will not like their posts.

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Such people are disconnected from the real world and real social connections. Hence, the fewer friends a person has on social media, the lonely they will feel. These will affect their feelings which will automatically lead to social anxiety. The relatively modern usage of social media is increasing social anxiety as more people become addicted to it. Additionally, some individuals tend to compare friends they have on their profiles with those of others. One is when one cannot avoid logging in. Second is when a person anticipates on what is happening on social media. For these reasons, people should limit their use of social media platforms. If one is an addict, they can try to delete some of the applications. The rise in anxiety may result in depression to some people.

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Failure to search for the item, leads to debugging. We first let k ≥ 0 for the number of points through which C was taken through. The proof then is found when we try to trace k. It is achieved via binary search C [1. z] and the “left side” C [j + 1. Let T ∗ = (V, F∗) (minimum spanning tree) in case it is not optimal, then F ∗ 6= F, such that an edge e ∈ F ∗ such that e 6∈ F. e would create a cycle C for the graph G +e. Addition of the edges from the graph G by speculation would reconnect the graph G+e for the spanning tree. The upper bound for the search algorithm is chosen based on the running time for the worst case. It is because we can sort the sequence in the form O (E log E) for N unless it is the worst case scenario.

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Applying the knowledge of logistic regression instantiation takes route as below: And finally through application of natural logs integration by parts with limits chosen as (0, ∞) We get the real combination of the loss function as required; The loss function is helpful in the detection ofmalwares in the system by way of brute force. By use of the attack character, we apply the 65. damage every second. The damage is assumed for indefinite barring restrictions for the game (Cobbing, 2017). Our case is the drilling target. seconds. References Banks, J. Gambling, Sport and Corruption. In Gambling, Crime and Society (pp. Palgrave Macmillan UK. M. Zaki, M. Zaki, M. Feldmann, N. Feldmann, N.

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