Knowledge Management System Proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Knowledge management involves the process of creating, sharing, utility and the management of knowledge together with information systems of an entity. The process of knowledge management entails the implementation of an approach geared towards the establishment of a multidisciplinary structure towards ensuring the achievement of organizational objectives through proper knowledge management. The proposal is for Parkland Memorial Hospital domiciled in Dallas Texas in an initiative to develop a consolidated information system to link two different departments into one. Parkland Memorial Hospital Organizational Context Parkland Memorial Hospital is a public health facility in Dallas Texas founded in 1894 to cater for different health needs. The facility is a General and Teaching hospital type in the health industry that has evolved from a humble wooden building in Meadow at Oak Lawn Avenue and Maple to an institution that serves a substantive portion of the society.

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The organization is seeking to expand their operations to cater for the growing demand through an approach that will consolidate two units of the information system into one unit. The growing demand will better be addressed through a mechanism that has a centralized system for a database that will provide timely analytics on the performance of the entity for sustainable improvements. The lack of a uniform system between the two information system structures makes the entity lose a lot in terms of the cost of duplication and failure to have a system that focus on the significant facets of each patient needs. The proposed consolidated information system structure will enhance the operational framework of the hospital. Knowledge management in the field of the information system is very vital in addressing the numerous complexities that exist within an organization and hand in a system that manages to maneuver the daily challenges that are alive in the contemporary business systems.

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The feasibility study will entail a detailed analysis of the available resource endowment in the two health centers, the perfect location regarding security and suitability of such a place to hold a favorable position for the unit. The cost implication and evaluate the least cost that will yield value for money in facilitating the transition together with the suitability of the location to deliver the much-needed function of a consolidated technology department for that matter (Roy, 2005, 12). The feasibility study will be able to critically evaluate all the available options that meet the needed requirements and hence give a definitive, comprehensive report that will lead the determination of a site for the unit. The decision to locate the site of the Consolidated Technology Department will provide a perfect headway in my opinion for the enabling of a uniformed structure to combine the two units into a single entity.

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The needs of the technology department and functions to be performed by such an entity will form the basis of the determination in the feasibility endeavor. The reason for having a one technology manager but with a deputy is to enhance a uniformed structure of command that will ensure centralized control and facilitate direction of power from the top management. The other positions are important in the structure as they will be affected by the reduction of the staff numbers. Process of Establishing a Portal to Host the Institutions Database The management of data and records has always been the principal goal of any organization for the data collected is a useful tool for the generation of reports to facilitate decision making. A technology department should take it upon their primary mandate to ensure that all the data is kept secure and can be retrieved easily without much hustle.

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I understand the importance of such a function, and that will lead me to the formulation of a procedure that will cater for the safety of patient records and data retrieval in real time (Poulton, 2014, 22). However, there is the need for setting probable timelines that will often provide a schedule to ensure the migration is expedited and done above board guarding the interests of the organization. The execution of such a transition will require that the implementation framework put up knowledge management strategies that will take up the threat of a possible loss of data during the consolidation exercise. The application process will ensure that does not occur during the integration in the taking up of any move in combining the two divisions, the team initiating the process will take stock of all the available data within the two units.

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The stock will be collected apparently from the existing staff, documented and stored in an orderly systematic way that gives room to any individual to identify the information. The move will ensure the protection of sensitive information confined to the employees and stored well in a manner that will guarantee safety. and Korte, R. Managing knowledge performance: testing the components of a knowledge management system on organizational performance.  Asia Pacific Education Review, 15(2), pp. Holcombe, M.  Running an agile software development project. John Wiley & Sons. Poulton, N.  Data Storage Networking: Real World Skills for the CompTIA Storage+ Certification and Beyond. John Wiley & Sons. Raelin, J.  International journal of information management, 33(1), pp.

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