Leadership and management development report

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

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Practically, the blame for this significant failure can be directed to the inherent leadership and management approach. The aim of this report is to provide a comprehensive elucidation of a leadership and management development program that can be adopted by an organization. The issues to be taken into consideration include an in-depth comparison and contrast between leadership and management, leadership theories and recommendations. Comparison and contrast between leadership and management Drawing a clear line between management and leadership should be at the forefront of any organization. To better understand those concepts, it is essential to properly understand the inherent differences and similarities. It can be understood from a motivational perspective, inspirational perspective, or even the capacity to deliver results. Practically, the objective of leadership is to achieve long-term goals through effective decisions.

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The objective of leaders includes motivating the employees and ensuring that goals are defined clearly. It is the responsibility of leaders to set goals whose purpose is to ascertain improvement and progress of the organization. Management can be defined as the process of controlling and directing a group of employees whose aim is to harmonize and coordinate the group towards achieving the predetermined organizational goals. Managers are therefore task oriented and mainly focus on managing work and achieving exemplary results within a specified time period. On the other hand, leaders are people oriented and only focused on leading people with the aim of ascertaining achievements. Leadership entails looking at the problems inherent an organization and eventually coming up with new and creative solutions. Leaders usually apply their commitment and charisma towards motivating, exciting and creating a focused pool of employees with the aim of solving those problems and hence ascertain success.

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Leadership usually entails application of participative, transformational and consultative style. At such instance, objectives and goals are clearly articulated to create a precise plan of action. Through strategy, the available resources and defined capabilities enable the company to exploit external opportunities effectively. The strategy is, therefore, an integrated, central and externally-oriented aspect that provides a clear path through which the organization’s objectives will be achieved both in the short-run and in the long run. It is therefore essential to conclude that strategic management is a scientific explanation on implementation and development of a viable strategy for an organization. Strategy, leadership, and entrepreneurship are the most inspirational aspect of any company. For instance, as explained by Burnes, and Bargal (2017 p. Kurt Lewin argued that there are three major kinds of leaders namely; Autocratic leaders, Democratic leaders, and Laissez-faire leaders.

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An autocratic leader does not have to acquire any approval to make decisions while a democratic leader always takes into consideration the input of other members. Laissez-faire leaders delegates duties to the members of a team. The Contingency Leadership theory argues that leadership depends on the situation at hand. Based on the competitive advantage model, a company ought to take into account three options namely; innovation cost reduction and quality enhancement. Such options have the capacity to improve competitive advantages of an organization (Brewster, 2017 p. A proper and viable competitive strategy has the capacity to improve business performance especially when the HR practices are mutually integrated with the company’s choice. Discussion From a contemporary perspective, every organization is responsible for its management and leadership development approach. Such leadership and management approach have to align effectively with the organization’s values and culture.

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There is a need to conduct more research with the purpose of developing and improving the practices and methods of evaluation and dissemination. Bibliography Bolden, R. Leadership, management and organisational development. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development (pp. Routledge. Oxford University Press. Certo, S. C.  Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Education.

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