Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

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Introduction 5 3. Leadership and Management 5 3. Application of different Leadership Styles 6 4. Leading the Sales and Marketing Team 6 4. Monitoring of activities 7 5. For many years the goal of Toyota was to produce different designs of automobiles which serve different segments of the market. The devotion and commitment to its goals have positively contributed to the success in sales and marketing strategies. Toyota has maintained an upper hand in the changing trends. Being a dominant name leaves little room to relax, hence the efforts to keep up with the changes. In 2000, Toyota manufactured an automobile with a cutting edge technology and yet sustainable at the same time. The success is attributed to the excellent leadership and management of each sector of distribution, manufacturing, sales and marketing and the supply chain. Great strides are yet to be made as Toyota continues to perfect their operations.

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Regarding marketing and sales, Toyota has been in operation for 74 years. It is only looking forward to accomplishing two major things. This resonates between strengthening the brand name and the image of the company and maximizing the profits of the company by venturing on a new project. The third section of the paper deals with decision making within the organization. The decisions should encompass the needs of all the relevant stakeholders of the company. This should instill a collaborative spirit among different teams within the organization. The fourth section tackles the determination and discipline and dedication to the established vision and goals. The report also demonstrates how to bring the team to embrace the same spirit. A manager for one is concerned with the day to day operation, from a general perspective.

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A leader, on the other hand, identifies prospective ideas and opportunities that will further the success of the company (Johnston and Marshall 2016). At Toyota, the leadership roles are outwardly depicted. The leaders are engaged in duties involving major opportunities alongside new ideas and risks. The leaders encourage the designers to create new inventions that will set Toyota on a pedestal (Hino 2010). The broad styles of leadership include the democratic and autocratic leadership style. The autocratic leadership style involves the leader solely making decisions without prior consultations. The manager then announces the decision to other staff members. The democratic leadership style, on the other hand, involves incorporating the points of view from all the members of the team. They all work together to establish common ground before proceeding to the next line of action.

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A leader should, therefore, be charismatic with a touch of megalomania to ensure the team is set for success (Rego, Cunha, and Clegg 2012). At Toyota, leaders naturally see the potential within an organization and instinctively work together to harmonize this potential with the company’s goals. They encourage the members to be outgoing and eager to make an impact on the world through the job presented to them. Their way of supporting and encouraging team members is based on facts. Through different activities, one’s strengths and weaknesses are exposed. Before decisions are made, the needs of the stakeholders have to be considered. To be able to incorporate all the needs of stakeholders, managers should categorize the stakeholders into three. These are primary, secondary and key stakeholders. Using the Mendelow’s matrix, decisions on the stakeholder perspective to be incorporated is judged based on their power and interest in the company (Rego, Cunha, and Clegg 2012).

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Through this approach, a fair contribution from the stakeholders will be involved in the company. Each activity one partakes of is recorded for accountability purposes. This is also useful considering the teams are changed after periods of evaluation. In light of discipline and determination, the leader should also be accountable for the resources used in the organization (Rego, Cunha, and Clegg, 2012). The resources should be used to achieve the vision and goals of the company, 7. Communication within the Organization A company with a stable relationship among its leaders and staff frequently communicates. To effectively build a team, that is driven by the modest virtues is another paramount duty of the leader. The leader encourages and supports members of the team to achieve set objectives. The leaders also offer accolades to teams which have excelled in their areas of work.

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Reference List Hair, J. Anderson, R. W.  Salesforce management: Leadership, innovation, technology. Routledge. Rego, A. e Cunha, M.  Sales Management: Pearson New International Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. Tsukada, O. Global Dissemination of the Toyota Way in Sales and Marketing.  Journal of Knowledge Globalization, 6(3).

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