Marketing campaign evaluation

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

ASDA is a British retailer that deals with sales of a variety of products. The supermarket has a strong presence in the UK market due to its fast-moving variety of products. With the emergence of online retailing, where the consumers prefer to purchase the products online, it is imperative that retail businesses ensure that they change their marketing campaigns and strategies and have a strong presence in the digital media. ASDA partnered with AMV in relation to creating their marketing campaigns and although AMV is not responsible for creating marketing assets, they have specialist partners who ensure that they advance their marketing strategies across the various individual channels and build customer journeys around their marketing ideas. Asda has taken a dramatically different way of marketing. The emergence of ad blocking has prompted advertisers to rethink how the advertisement is done digitally.

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An example of a more content-led advertising campaign by Asda was its new strategy for the Easter campaign which features a huge chocolate hen lays huge chocolate eggs. A TV advertisement shows the hen laying eggs for the customers while press activities push the product. In online platforms, however, Asda tends to embrace a different approach. It came up with a spoof channel- News in High Definition (HD) in America and a couple of 20 seconds videos that are embedded on its website and across some of its sites using advertisements technology providers. Such marketing campaigns tend to attract young customers. It utilizes videos and images that are interactive and sends a clear message about the product. The products being advertised on the ASDA social media platforms can be purchased online hence making it convenient for the customers.

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Due to the fact that Asda runs extensive services such as pharmacies and opticians, LinkedIn remains the perfect platform for them to share opportunities of their company products to the wider audience. The ‘Bring Christmas home’ campaign was also largely advocated for in all of the social media accounts owned by Asda including twitter but like any other big brand Asda tends to churn out marketing tweets, but they hardly reply to comments or mention made by their followers which form the larger part of social media. The omnichannel campaign integrated the use of short message services (SMS), app-embedded push notifications and interactive email templates and landing pages automated to deliver store-specific messages on mobile. The #Giant hen surpassed the campaign’s reach with user-generated content. Asda Press and outdoor Posters While internal advertisements are not considered to be an effective marketing strategy because of the lack of engagement with target customers, Asda #Giant hen Easter marketing campaign began as a press statement on their website.

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Posters with the same messages were also printed and displayed across their stores across the UK. Another tactic is to release these statements on TV and other digital media platforms. Street posters and press releases are part of the online marketing strategies that have also been utilizing by Asda, press statements are part of the communications mix which allows the supermarket to communicate its message in details. References ASDA. ASDA. Retrieved from https://www. selligent. clearchanneldirect. co. uk/advertising-options/supermarkets/ Degun. Asda's 30ft chocolate hen lays eggs in Easter campaign. Retrieved from https://www.

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