Mass incarceration issue in the black community

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Law

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Therefore, this is due to the fact that there have been great exercises on the marginalization of less adequate persons within a given setting of the society and which makes them be disregarded. Prior to that argument, some scholars have expressed their suggestions concerning slavery acts imposed on blacks as a result of racism. These scholars included the following, Michelle Alexander in her book, ‘the new Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the age of colorblindness. ’ Eddie Glaude in his book, ‘Democracy in black’, Tayari Jones, ‘An American Marriage’, Jesmyn Ward, ‘Sing Unburied Sing’ and also Ta-Nehesi Coates in his book, ‘Between the World and Me’. Therefore these scholars have posed different arguments associated with mass incarceration issues on the target group that is, the black persons.

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With reference to her belief on social control, there has been a culminating impulse on issues pertaining to the civil rights and also racial justices that greatly affects mass incarceration. Therefore, to minimize these stipulated issues she aimed at mobilizing rights of the black community in a civil manner to form the basis of agenda so that relevant data can be gotten for the optimistic people who are concerned about the issues (Alexander 15). Furthermore, he tried to bring into effect the issues on rights of humans, opportunities as well as equality to be enhanced on citizens, and engaged in the improvement of the legal issues about the employment desires as well as education benefits that should be serviced to the citizens without consideration of the kind of race in which one belongs (Alexander 15).

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Ultimately, she asserted that policies imposed by the government greatly retaliated and affected most African persons and not just about the issues about poverty, education barriers, and sociocultural limitations. In conclusion, she posits that policies associated with incarceration of mass greatly affected racial control (Alexander 18). However, these forces have affected the kind of love for another that should be embraced in a society, this is because of increased conflicts associated with racism as an effect to the marriage life. Moreover, most marriages have been hit by the race in that it takes a difficult moment for people from different races to get united. Several families have been set apart as a result of mass incarceration (Jones 21). Despite all these, the issues about love and pain have been embraced as far as an American marriage is concerned and hence such issues have brought the notion that marriages can be done from the same sex, that is, lesbianism and homosexuality has been encouraged in the American culture.

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While focusing on the issues about culture, there exists American culture, as well as African culture and these, have greatly influenced the lifestyle of citizens within different territories, and hence becomes a bit difficult task to those who desire to change into the other people's lifestyle in different territories (Jones 2012). However, while viewing racism in terms of political life, the black people face slight rejection and demoralization effects from the senior white people who have occupied the greatest fronts in the political system. Therefore, the black aspirants’ ability to take part in the political race becomes difficult since the top leaders may use other measures to bring the black parties down in terms of being competitive and this lowers the black Americans’ morale to achieve the best (Ward 18).

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Lastly, the issue of the inequality of resources allocation has been realized and this is due to the fact black people are seen as being unworthy in terms of resource allocation as a result of racism. In addition, such unworthiness has been confirmed from the occupational base where black employees are given a lower salary compared to that of the rich and as a result, the white employees within the same line of work feel much superior compared to the black parties (Ward 17). And therefore, such incidences of unfair payment of salaries have brought about inflicting pain on the black workers. Ultimately, the freedom of speech became something that could be exercised on the black American's side, and this made the black American men to be used as slaves on the white firms and hence the law disregarded their humanity.

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For instance, women who were too vocal in the speech were stunned by police officers, raped and their children sold for auction and therefore through such actions, humanity perception was greatly affected and most black men lived with great fear of being whipped and used as slaves on white firms. However, moral challenges were realized such as losses of human dignity especially on the black American side while on the white side, moral aspects were perfected without any challenge (Coates 22). Therefore, from the book, ‘Between the World and Me' the impulse of forces exercised on the individual black American people made them be used in plantation firms in order to increase production in firms, especially for black men while black women were sexually abused.

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