Modern Terrorism Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Politics

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According to Tiefenbrun, terrorism also entails specific criminal acts set out against persons and properties. Continued terrorist activities have the capacity to destabilize a country by seriously intimidating its citizens or by compelling a government or an international body to carry out or abstain from carrying out specific actions. The terrorism activities have the capacity to eventually destabilize the fundamental social, political or economic structures of the country should they persist (Khan 2015). Presently, terrorism has inarguably become one of the biggest threats to businesses organizations and the economies of various countries. According to the report by the Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2018), terrorism is placed second among the top ten threats to organizations growth prospects by the CEOs (pwc. A a study conducted by Callimachi (2015), revealed that such problems may stem from factors such as depressions, loneliness or personal disappointments.

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Joining jihadist groups, therefore, gives them an opportunity to become heroes in their own capacity. For instance, the newspaper reveals that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the individual who was responsible for Boston Marathon Bombing had admitted that he was never a Muslim before but only turned into an Islamist militant the moment he realized that he could no longer pursue his dreams of becoming a famous Olympic Boxer (New York Times 2018). Other factors that motivate the youth to join the terror groups are attributed to poverty. According to the News Journal, a majority of the persons who join these groups come from very poor backgrounds. According to Gunaratn and Kam (2016), small-cell terrorist activity, lone actors as well as foreign terrorist fighter travel continue to pose new challenges to authorities due to the availability of terrorism financing funds from terror sympathizers and self-funding.

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According to the scholars, the available terrorism financing options which include new payment systems reduce the need for terrorist and their supporters to engage in complex cash smuggling. Further, the scholars note that terrorists often use social media such as Facebook and crowd funding platforms to raise terrorist funds undetected. Other sources of funding include the use of non-profit organizations (NPO) to help fund terrorism activities. Terrorism and the Threat of Economic Collapse Terrorism and extremism have continuously promoted insecurity in various parts of the world. As Jared Higgins, CEO protective and risk consulting firm posits, employees of major companies are often viewed as high-value targets by the terrorists as they can easily extort money from them to fund their activities Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2018). According to Huggins, the world is a global village and the success of various businesses depend on both inter and intra-border trade.

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Similarly, Korstanje, (2017), observes that the countries that heavily depend on tourism mostly experience significant economic losses due to the persistence of terrorism. According to the scholar, a study that was conducted in the Basque region in Spain established that there was a decline in per capita GDP of 10 percent as a result of reduced tourism activity. This is because tourism-related spending, as well as foreign exchange, could not be realized anymore. Besides, they rely on the philosophy that photographs and other information placed on Facebook and YouTube are already available in the public domain and therefore do not need a warrant. Avenues for terrorism financing should also be checked in the efforts to thwart modern terrorism. As Odeh (2010) posits, financial intelligent units should be vigilant in checking customer profiles to establish the presence of any suspicious financial profiles.

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There is a need to strengthen both domestic and regional frameworks as well as developing a better understanding of terrorism financing channels (Odeh 2010). This will ensure that all self-funding only comes from legitimate sources and that both cross-border movement of funds, as well as external funding into a given region through online money transfer services, are crosschecked. and Kam, S. eds. Handbook of terrorism in the Asia-Pacific (Vol. World Scientific. Bouchard, M. The psychology of radicalization and terrorism. Routledge. Patrikarakos, David 2017. “Social Media Spreads Terrorism and Propaganda. Police It. Korstanje, M. E. Terrorism, tourism and the end of hospitality in the 'West'. ebscohost. com/login. W. Ab Rahman, N. H. Xu, Z. Glisson, W. ” The New York Times, The New York Times, 27 June 2015, www. nytimes. com/2015/06/28/world/americas/isis-online-recruiting-american. html?_r=2.

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Khan, H.

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