MSC cruise Mediterranean shipping company

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Tourism

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Their ships sail majorly around Mediterranean and Caribbean. They also cover areas such as Northern Europe, China, South America, and India seasonally. Since 2004, the company has recorded a tremendous growth of about 800%, sailed about 3 million guests in each year and recorded very huge financial profits thereof. MSC Cruises has offered employment to over 20,000 staffs and sells cruise holidays in several countries around the world (Marusic &Naven, 5). Human Resource Best Practices are universal processes and actions used to enhance the company’s competitive edge and to add value advantage. I will go over the seven Human Resource best practices, why they are important and their actual practice in MSC Cruises Company to add value and competitive advantage. Employment Security Employment security is one if the Human Resource best. MSC Cruise Company has more than 20,000 employs recruited globally.

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The company has a social contract with its employees. The company provides the employees with freedom of work. In respect to the points previously mentioned, when the employees quit their jobs, it's the company that suffers losses. Every organization should, therefore, strive to retain its employees by providing employees security in order to prevent them from leaving the company to work for their competitors. Selective hiring This concept helps the company in hiring and outsourcing employees who add value to the company’s growth and competitiveness. MSC Cruise Company hire best employs across the globe. It’s for this reason that the company experiences huge profits, for instance, the company grew by about 800% in 2004 (Michael &Stephen, 98). MSC Cruises Company sails in teams, for instance, there are teams that sail to different parts of the world such as India, South America, Northern Europe, and Southern Africa.

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The company is also made up of several departments and experts who work as a team to achieve the company's success. Teams is an advantage to the company because it consists of people who have different thinking but work together to achieve a common goal. This results in the generation of new ideas that could help the company in achieving its intended goals. The combination of such ideas from different individuals results in the selection of the best alternatives. MSC Cruises Company pay their employees fairly, for example, Accountant and Human Resources Manager salaries - 1 salary reported $65,280 per year (Rodrigue & Theo, 11). Giving a fair pay to the employees also accrue some disadvantages, it encourages bad employees to remain in the organization. However, if the company is hiring potential and experienced individuals, it must be prepared to compensate them above average.

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Employee's compensation enhances their performance and commitment to the organization, retain essential talents, and nature long-term vision. MSC Cruises Company also has embraced the concept of corporate social responsibility. Reduction of status difference This concept depicts that employers and managers should regard all employees will respect and treat them equally. In the MSC Cruises Company, this is depicted with common costumes and similar holiday breaks entitlement. The cultures previously mentioned, indicate that all employees are equal, deserve respect and could nature the culture of sharing of ideas (Cartwright & Carolyne, 34). Equal treatment and respect strengthen personal and interpersonal relationships between the employees and other employees and also with their employers. Stronger relationships enhance the employee's commitments and performance since it makes them love what they do. Secondly, people can only contribute or share their ideas when they are well informed on the company’s progress.

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  REFERENCES Cartwright, Roger, and Carolyn Baird.  The development and growth of the cruise industry. Elsevier, 1999: 23-34. Rodrigue, Jean-Paul, and Theo Notteboom.  Cruise Tourism and Society. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. Armstrong, Michael, and Stephen Taylor.  Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers, 2014: 96-100.

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