Sex Tourism Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Tourism

Document 1

In nations such as Thailand, Cuba, and Kenya, tourism has become a major foreign exchange earner. People used to tour specifically because of sports, only a few did it for leisure and this is because Sport is a way of life and except for the last few years many have been a fan. Being in a place mentally with all your feelings is a kind of thing every tourist wants to experience. Feel at home, interact with a village shopkeeper, linger over a fresh meal and a good glass of wine, experience a changing landscape was all that every tourist need. People believed that traveling should be about being in a place, not just passing through it. Some of them are stated below. Cultural beliefs In Asia, female sex trafficking is a very complex thing.

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Poor families in the interior rural regions mostly sell their young ones to sex workers or human sex traffickers, who transports them to the large cities so as to work as sex workers" (Diamond, 2009, p. The inhabitants of these regions are always aware of what their children are being committed but because of the financial rewards and the rewards involved, they opt to forget the dangerous consequences. The prospect of relocating to a large city always decoy these poor children who will, later on, realize the real meaning of their city trip later on when it's already too late. Poverty Poverty is a leading factor in luring women into the sex trade. Because of decreased purchasing potential, Thai women moved to developed cities in search of good jobs only to find a small number of industrial jobs; hence making sex trade their only way out of poverty.

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In her book, Tayler narrates that most Thailand sex workers took part in business activities so as to pay debts owed to their families and also in sustaining their own families in their rural economy with their children being in dire need for money to supplement their basic needs due to increased consumption levels and their high expenses of living in an extravagant world. Internet The internet gives a lot of rich source of material contained in terms of words, videos, and pictures regarding the topics of sex and sex tourism such as skills of bargaining and past encounters. Convenient marketing channel access as well as misleading information results in greatly harmful effects. Hence, sex tourism can have some positive effects on the place in luring more tourists to visit the area thereby increasing the level of revenue collection by a country.

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Long-term relationships Sex tourism has also another positive effect since it is long-term. According to a number of people, sex tourism helps create long-term friendships, especially when sex is taken as a non-commercial affair. For instance, in Jamaica, the native men and women tourists frequently benefit from their personal relationships. Female tourists from Great Britain and Europe identified love and companionships in the industry of sex tourism(Diamond, 2009, p. Sex workers are also working hard to change their lives from the poverty hence are ready and willing to get married to international tourists visiting their country. They perceive getting married to international tourists as an avenue for escaping poverty. This is evidenced by the fact that their husbands not only pay them for sex services offered but also educate them, buy gifts and provide meals for their families (Baker, 2012, p.

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Hence, sex tourism can potentially assist sex workers in a big way as well as their families in giving them a good life in future. However, there a number of strings attached to sex tourism especially on destination. For example, the cases of Vietnam HIV victims in 1999 has increased among the number of prostitutes living in places neighboring Cambodia and China(Baker, 2012, pp. Southern parts of Vietnam similarly have high numbers of sex workers coming from Cambodia. About 50% of Cambodia are infected with the HIV virus which represents about 4,000-8,000 persons with approximately 5,000 people being young Vietnam girls thus presenting the fact that sex tourism promotes the spread of HIV/AIDS. Also, sex tourism is connected to the issue of drug use. Drug use has become part and parcel of Cambodian sex workers living in bars and brothels (Taylor, 2000, p.

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Local sex workers in areas of tourism are mainly composed of migrants who either are sex workers who have been trafficked to that region or migrants who have voluntarily moved to the destination. Sex tourism is shown by disparities seen between sex worker and tourist motivations. Tourist has readily available capital which might be used in catering for traveling and sex expenses. Also, the sex worker is the person who is living in abject poverty and in dire need of the income which can only be derived through engaging in sexual behavior. References Baker, G. Around The World In 80 Lays: Adventures in Sex Travel. New Jersey: Skyhorse. Leggett, J. The Carbon War: Global Warming and the End of The Oil Era. New York: Penguin. J. S. Tourism and embodied commodities: Sex Tourism in The Caribean.

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