Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

SUMMARY The association seeks to carry out a survey on the above topic and to come up with the findings. Job contentment and fatigue in the nursing fields are becoming of paramount concern due to the influence the kind of care and security they deliver to their patients. Job fulfillment is also another factor that contributes to the labor turnover among the nurses. The 12h shifts are very long and have increasingly become very common for the nurses in some of the countries in Europe. On the side of the nurses, their view is that the more extended shifts give an opportunity to benefit from a work week that is compressed with a smaller number of working days and add more days off work. PARTICIPANTS A significant number of participants were studied in the setting and each one of them having their views including the 12,627 nurses that were questioned.

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The environment was not controlled by the article states that there was lack of control on some features of shift work, as well as weekly hours. Barriers were identified but were not addressed in the scheme of the study which was cross-sectional, and nothing was done to solve the problem. Findings could be implemented with purpose, e. g. Very substantial declines in the number of direct patient care have been found in the 12-hour stint system with equivalence in off-the-record work breaks. It was entirely unclear what the impacts of the 12-hour shifts are in the learning atmosphere and the nursing education. Surveys have been reported on the attitude of nurse educationalists and the student nurses towards the 12-hour shift. Farrelly, R. Learners are okay with the shift, but this first choice is primarily based on the professional benefits rather than social benefits.

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The report explicitly addresses the problem and expounds on it and gives a clear understanding of what the aim of the matter is. It tells about the two nursing shifts but mostly the 12-hour shift and gives its impacts on the nurses. The article also discusses how the student nurses view the 12-hour stint and the reason why. The nurse educators are also not left behind, and their view is also given priority and discussed. B. Organizations to inspect the clinical and non-clinical incidences and patient well-being issues were put in place to help control the system. The findings could be implemented with purpose, e. g. having seen the effect of long working hours, and these hours could be reduced from 12 to 7. as the article states. Employee fatigue has inspired efforts for leaders to address patient value and caregiver fulfillment.

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According to the literature used in this study, there is a clear link between the shifts and the quality of services that the nurses give. Therefore, fatigue can affect the performance of the nurse. Chronic fatigue results from working for more than the recommended time. When the workers extend their working hours, they are prone to errors. Article selection The article is in line with the question asked, and it expounds more on the mystery and gives detailed information about the nursing career and the shifts at large. Indeed the article addresses the problems that could arise as a result of the type of turn undertaken by a nurse, e. g. fatigue, drowsiness which results to accidents while driving and this directly tells that when a nurse is exhausted then a mistake can be done quickly which might affect the patient adversely.

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B. the Chief Executive Officer, the Human Resources Officer and others and several but particular bodies. It is true that the barriers were identified, but due to the limitations of the pilot, it's not possible to address the obstacles or advocate for the right thing. Further research needs to be done to promote possible innovative solutions. The findings can be implemented with purpose and expected outcomes if only the barriers are addressed, and further research is done to come up with possible solutions and matched with the expected results and ways to achieve the expected outcomes are implemented fully. C. Farrelly, R. Do 12-hour shifts put patients first?. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 23(3), 189. Dall'Ora, C. Griffiths, P.

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