Response plan for Inpatient nephrology unit
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
The change theory can be used to change through establishing an unfreezing point for the nurses to understand the importance of weight taking and its impact on patient care. Once understood, a discussion and a unanimous agreement on the best time to take the weights can be defined, this raises the equilibrium enabling change to occur in the unit. Strategies and Rationale: Transactional leadership will be the leadership theory of choice in the scenario. Transactional leadership is based on a reward system that rewards those complying and punishes failure to comply. In this case, the change is critical as the patient outcomes and experiences of care are at stake hence a reward-punishment system will motivate the staff not to ignore the standard requirement in practice such as documentation of patient weights in the renal unit.
Failure to adhere to practice standards exposes the hospital to negligence which poses legal consequences as legally a bleach of duty of care suffices by failure to take and record patient weights resulting in poor experience of care. Response School nurse Change Theory: Concepts of change theory; the driving, restraining factors and equilibrium can be used in the situation to effect the change. Identifying the possible driving factors in the community to effect the change from a belief in abstinence to safe sex education is imperative. The unfreezing element of the change theory is best suited for the situation. Unfreezing as an element of the change will involve providing information to influence a shift in thoughts and ideology on the approach for teaching adolescent’s sexual education. Professional standards: The school policy and school the National Sex education curriculum by the federal government recommends that sex education in school ought to go beyond abstinence for it to be of use to the students.
The Centered for Disease Control (CDC) also provides that abstinence only education is inefficient for children. Legal requirements support the inclusion of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy as part of the curriculum The involvement of the community and school board which directs school policy is essential in providing a buy-in for starting the implementation of the non-abstinence only curriculum. Response Pediatric vaccinations: Change theory: The change theory concepts can be utilized to address the problem through enlightening the parents on the vaccines, their effects and demystifying the information on the harmful effects of the vaccines. Sensitizing the parents will strengthen the driving factors a key concept in instituting change. Professional standards: The vaccine Alliance (GAVI) advocates for universal vaccination and vouches for the effectiveness of achieving g herd immunity in preventing disease outbreaks.
The legal exceptions by the federal government only address medical, religious and philosophical foundations and requires all school going children to receive immunizations. The school policies also provide requirements of vaccination for admission to school. It is legally wrong for the parents to deny their children the right to immunization on information that is not evidence-based. Involvement of parents in the decision making on immunization is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Bioethics as a way of improving perceptions and uptake of vaccines (Hendrix, Sturm, Zimet & Meslin, 2016) References Carter, D. American Journal of Public Health, 106(2), 273-278. doi. org/10. ajph. Jain, A. Making immunization sustainable. Gavi. org. Retrieved 21 January 2018, from http://www. gavi. org/10. nna. b013e31827f20a9.
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