Organizational Behavior Analysis

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

d). John Schermerhorn the writer of the book “Organizational Behavior Twelfth Edition” defined organization behavior as critical features utilize to maintain and enhance interaction levels amongst employees within the organization (Schermerhorn, 2011). This study evaluates human behavior in the workplace as well as find out how human behavior influences job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership etc (Jennifer, n. d). It involves apprehension of key matters which helps in understanding and predicting what affects human behavior as well as the manner in which it will assist in achieving organizational goals. In addition, turnover in the workplace has registered a decline as compared to the initial periods which proposes that workers are attaining something else outside their working protocol which makes them to be absent most of the time recently. This has really affected the organization production output.

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To get the information on how behavioral factors affects production and job satisfaction, I recently carried out a voluntary survey in my organization. of the workers participated in the survey and 10% did not participate. From the survey job satisfaction and increased productivity was due to motivation of workers. Although pluralism is the protocol behavior of the company, it encloses the traditions in which the workers depend on to reply to different contingencies. It is one of the chief components of the organization which helps to maintain unity and teamwork in the organization. Mostly the kind of culture adopted by an organization dictate the kind of management, leadership styles as well as the structure to be applied within the organization which in turn contributes to the behavior with the organization. Furthermore, culture helps in development of the worker’s performance, forbearance, beliefs as well as the overall accepted standards.

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Diversity is surely another component of culture. Through communication various social relationships have been established and this has guided and shape different interactions among the workers within the organization. In addition, communication has enable collaboration between workers for different department in the organization all with an aim of attaining the desired common organizational goals. Couple with this, is that communication has promoted teamwork between workers working within a particular department. Notwithstanding the various tools of communication utilized to pass one’s thoughts, ideas and opinions, each and every individual should ensure that the message is clear and concise so as to prevent any confusion or misinterpretation by the workers as well as leaders within the organization. It makes sure that each and every one within the organization knows what is going on in the organization.

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As shown by many of the traditional organizations it is clear that managers are the one who play an important role in a company on their day to day activities by ensuring that the company is productive thus leading to its success. As it has been stated before, my company employs the golden rule approach and that is visible at every level from the top officer who is a chief executive officer to the lowest officer who is a mail clerk. In most cases, middle management in my company always meet with employees and share with them the vision of the company as well as what is ahead of them and are intended for them to do and also how each of them as a member of a given team can help reach on the projected company’s short term and long term goals.

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As a result of that my company has managers who are keen at knowing the ability of each employee and thus assign them duties in areas where they will be able to improve on the performance of the company as well achieve their personal goals. Further, my company have been subdivided into departments which involves grouping of employees based on their expertise and this has ensured specialization as well as enhancing supervision through knowing who can perform best at certain job. As stated before, statics from voluntary survey has indicated that many employees felt that incentives give workers a reason for them to perform higher than normal levels. An example, my company has currently offered incentives of health to its employees who has manage to meet certain health goals. As each year begins, employees in my company go in and get an annual physical test such a cholesterol level, weight, blood pressure among other things that the doctor look to be risky in the life of employees.

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After the employees have known these data, they attempt to reduce them to a reasonable number that have been established by the doctor within the prescribed time period. When the employee goes for the second test upon expiry of the prescribed period, the doctor performs the test again and compares it with previous results if they meet the prescribed standards an employee is given five hundred petty cache to his or her medical spending account. Further, due to the ability that most employees are able to get information via emails, my company have embraced it in all aspect of management and sent notifications through emails to employees where they get them directly on their mobile devices which are hand held. Virtual organization has provided my company with endless possibilities which has help it enhance its overall performance based on it ability.

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Training of employees on various topics such as ethics, harassment and internet browsing protocol just to list a few which have been time consuming have been enhance by used of virtual aspect as now they are able to do them at home and any other places where they can access the internet and thus most employees do not need holidays to go a further their studies hence company performance have improve greatly. Although, virtual organization have a good capability since most employees have really enjoyed the ability of working from areas outside of work to achieve more goals, it has been known in my company that some people are unproductive as most employees were found browsing the internet and making conversation with friends via social media as well as paying bills among others which as a result made the company to suffer severely.

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After this occurred the company was forced to set and imposed strict rules that no employee should browse the internet for purpose of conversing with friends and paying bills and this facilitated growth in business and improve on its productivity. Jennifer, L. n. d). Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from https://www. J: Wiley. Thomson/South Western. Hofstede, G. Hofstede, G. J. Quick, J. Organizational Behavior: Science, the real world, and you. South-Western Cengage Learning.

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