Overview of the Policy under Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Social Work

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The purpose of the added cost is so that emergency room care for people in America who do not have health insurance can be adequately covered. To help in making health care affordable for all the citizens of America and so that all Americans who have pre-existing conditions are covered, it will be the responsibility of all the Americans who have the ability to purchase health insurance to do so. The Context of the Policy The Affordable Care Act fulfills the fundamental transformation in the sector of health insurance in America through the sharing of responsibility to make sure that all Americans have access to health care. Systematic changes in the insurance market will serve to eliminate any discriminatory practices that are carried out by health insurers which include the exclusion of pre-existing conditions.

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The achievement of these reforms without increases in the health insurance premiums will make it possible for coverage to be realized for all Americans. One month after he was elected, Obama addressed a joint session of Congress and implored them that it was the right time for healthcare to be overhauled. He signed the patient protection and affordable care act into law on the 23rd of March, 2010. Although the prime directive of this act is the assurance that every American will receive quality and affordable health care, there are various provisions within this bill whose aim is to control costs while at the same time improving healthcare quality for the citizens of the United States of America. The effect that the Affordable Care Act has on healthcare in the United States is an area that abounds with uncertainty.

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However, the fact that the bill is of broad scope means that it has many implications for health care providers which include quality benchmarks and changes in the structure of reimbursement. Many poor people had inadequate medical coverage. The problem was also spreading into the middle class. An analysis of a previous census revealed that the time was “a decade or more of people losing health coverage and a steady erosion in the financial protection of insurance has also put middle-income families at risk. ” There was a lot of variation among states in the rate of coverage. The costs of insurance were rising at rates faster than the rates at which the income of most of the citizens of the United States rose. It began with a modest goal which was to help poor Americans.

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However, as messages streamed into the congress from middle-class families that complained about illness-related cancellations and runway premiums among other complaints, the law gained momentum and success, and became the largest healthcare reform since the implementation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. People who fought this legislation voiced concerns over government overreach, expanding federalism and a potential harm to the private actors in the insurance sector. By the November of 2014, about 10 million people who had been previously uninsured acquired health insurance coverage. This was about 5% of the total population of uninsured citizens in the United States. The legislative History of the Policy In July 2009, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the house with other Democrats from the House of Representatives revealed their plan to overhaul the system of health care, called the Affordable health Care for America Act.

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On 27 November, 2009, a vote for the Affordable Care Act in the House of Representatives gets 29 Democrat votes and 1 republican vote. On 24 December, 2009 in the Senate, 60 democrats voted for the bill’s Senate Version called the America’s Healthy Future Act with Senator Max Baucus of California being its lead author, 39 Republican senators vote against the bill and one republican senator failed to vote. In January 2010, eHealth published a research that had been carried out by Opinion Research to highlight the way the public perceived the health-care reform. On the 11th of March, 2010, the bill lacked the 60th vote needed to pass it. A. G. Tracker, R. Policy, A. C. washingtonpost. com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/03/26/historians-take-note- what-america-looked-like-before-obamacare/?noredirect=on&utm_term=. abf545e8d7ce Goodman, John C.  Forbes. Com, 2016, https://www. com/features/how-the-affordable-care-act-changed-the- face-of-health-insurance.

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Accessed 17 Sept 2018. Kennedy, E. M. Quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

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